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S-Kunst t1_isgzh88 wrote

Question? With a gluten sensitivity, does the type of alcohol beverage make a difference? Does beer (a liquid bread) cause digestion problems?


NovelCakes t1_islcaie wrote

Yes. Yes it does. And cross-contamination can be an issue too.


spankenstein t1_islodgf wrote

you're probably gonna have a bad time at most places if you have legit crohns or IBS. cross contamination is no joke. I'd say you'd be generally safer looking in the way of vegan type places as they tend to actually care about cross contamination issues.


S-Kunst t1_islm0in wrote

Interesting. I have a relative with a corn allergy. ANY thing made with the slightest amount of a corn product causes intestinal problems.


jejunebug t1_isj0ksx wrote

Alexanders in Fells


OwsleysApples t1_isj1bj7 wrote

Golden west and possibly sweet 27 which is all gluten free I believe