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dopkick t1_iue6rgm wrote

As if Klacik is anything more than a stripper in the eyes of most Republicans. She’s token black eye candy and little more. If she had any sort of self awareness she would be horrified.


CaptainStudly t1_iue7coe wrote

You have to figure strippers have a pretty good read on what other people think of them and incorporate that into their life strategy.


dopkick t1_iue81di wrote

I know someone who stripped to pay for most of college. She was very pragmatic about it and said “I can shake my ass or bust my ass.” She picked the former. Very well aware of what she was doing and why. Many of her coworkers lacked the same level of awareness and did not have a plan for what came next.


BeSmarter2022 t1_iufm69n wrote

Please POC can choose what party they want to belong too. It is insulting to think everyone had s to conform based on skin color. It is stupid to think POC all go one way, more and more going Republican.