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Shiny_Deleter t1_isepsrv wrote

Heaven forbid there’s a crowd of people having a good time


mdguy819 t1_iseqh88 wrote

Or God forbid you have to wake up early for one day


SonofDiomedes t1_iseraa3 wrote

You live in a City yo. You want your mornings quiet every day, don’t live in a city.


PancakeJamboree302 t1_isf027i wrote

Yeah I mean there are written accounts from Romans that they moved out of city centers due to noise. So we have a couple thousand years of experience here.


jonnyboi55 t1_isfj316 wrote

lol complaining about noise in the inner harbor on a Saturday morning… 8am is not even that early…


Quantius t1_iserp6n wrote

"No loud music or machinery before 10am (that means the lawnmower too Steve!) or after 6pm."

Respectfully, your HOA President


harcosparky t1_ish9pv5 wrote

Ear plugs are an amazing creation!


lane302010 t1_ishbtxk wrote

Indeed! Actually had a productive morning so I’m done complaining.


wookiee_borg t1_isf5apx wrote

Ha. It’s the first day of duck season. 6:45 the hunters start blasting, lasts about two hours, with just enough time between volleys for you to start to fall back to sleep.


[deleted] OP t1_isevv4i wrote



Different-Complex-40 t1_isfuq9r wrote

Guess it’s better than gunshots… Oh, wait..🤔🤔🤔


lane302010 t1_isgxyor wrote

Btw I intentionally live in a 40th+ floor to avoid street noises from inner harbor (while living in the city). Never had this blast of music in my life and I’ve lived in NYC midtown lol. Doesn’t help after a long week of work & sleep deprived self. Well, glad it’s over!


EfficiencySuch6361 t1_iseqe8x wrote

Planning marathons thru a major city, in one of the lowest population density countries in the world. We’re geniuses


freecain t1_isf2qjk wrote

1: we are number 63 in population density, so we barely make the button third.

2: Canada, Australia and New Zealand all host marathons in urban centers and are much less densely populated than us.

Low population density areas don't have infrastructure to host 10s of thousands of people at a time that will then leave the next day. They also tend to have roads you can't bypass at all, a shortage of hotels and smaller police forces to deal with the crowds.


EfficiencySuch6361 t1_isfar8t wrote

  1. of developed nations which would even be holding marathons we are much higher up - and even when considering all-in, to be in the top 1/3 of density is considerable

  2. should other countries that do dumb things be considered role models? If so, when are other countries going to adopt our gun policies

  3. what infrastructure is in place already for events like burning man? Why isn’t that hosted in the downtown area of a major city? If that many ppl are coming from so far away that running for a few hours requires a city’s worth of infrastructure, maybe it’s really selfish and economically moronic to shut down the entire city for a day so that a few hundred people who choose to live somewhere inconveniently located can still expect to majorly inconvenience hundreds of thousands of people who didn’t choose to live in the middle of nowhere


freecain t1_isfj142 wrote

1 most countries host marathons, not just the richest.

2 Just pointing out there is probably a reason the majority of marathons are I'm City centers or are small.

3 Burning man is 9 days long, and incredibly expensive to attend since you have to mostly self cater. There are marathons like this (remote and self reliant) but can only host so many runners.

4 it doesn't shut down the city for the day, most have cut offs for runners by early afternoon and a lot of the course opens up after the runners go by.