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Honeyblade t1_je510r9 wrote

For what we spend on that helicopter we could train new ones and give them a decent salary. This is just a stupid use of resources - and rather than creating more resources for the community it's focused on punishing people, which is an objectively dumb way too deal with most societal problems that could be solved by creating more resources.


MbenedictR t1_je53baz wrote

seriously, make the academy class the lifeguards for a summer on rotating shifts. they spend time in the community and get to know ppl, and pools always safe because there is a cop on duty.


rockybalBOHa t1_je6ei9c wrote

Sure, easy as pie!


Honeyblade t1_je6pcoa wrote

I never said it was easy, I said it was less expensive and actually served the interests of the community, but keep whatever shitty narrative that you want, I guess.


TheBaltimoron t1_je8d3ik wrote

Hey let's get rid of all government services, that'd save tons of money!


Honeyblade t1_je9iq0x wrote

...both Police and public parks are government services. So I'm not sure what point you think you were making here?