Submitted by sleeponthefloorx t3_1264tde in baltimore

hey baltimore

i posted this a while ago, but i think my post got deleted. but was wondering what your average utilities are living alone? (bge/water).

i’m moving on my own and just want to know what to expect utility wise! the place i’m moving is approx 750sqft.



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Few_Society5388 t1_je7mkzx wrote

BGE- $40-100, summer-winter, and that’s being very conservative with the gas heat and oven usage. Water is billed from landlord and divided amongst apartments, usually around $60.


dipbotw t1_je7n1z4 wrote

my apartment is about the same size, when I first moved in it was like 60-70 a month, but over the past year it's risen, usually around 90-100 now. I haven't really changed anything that I'm doing with my electricity or gas so no idea what made it go up honestly

but hopefully that gives you a rough idea of what it might look like!


jessiewicz t1_je7rew6 wrote

Both of these utilities are ones you can find out actual numbers for. Bge you can call and they can give you an average and likely a high and low and water bills can be searched on the city website. They’re billed quarterly I believe.


benignlystained t1_je7t7gb wrote

Water - $20-26 flat. BGE - I’ve paid around $50-80. I’m conservative with usage, but also own reptiles so it hikes it up a bit.

This is for a 550 sqft apartment with a ductless/room-by-room heating/cooling system.