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fncatalinawinemixer1 OP t1_je6hqcj wrote

Reply to comment by Frenemies in Advice on moving by fncatalinawinemixer1

I think a combo of the permit and knock on the door or a note ahead of time may just work… at least I hop


wbruce098 t1_je83ww3 wrote

Assuming you can find the vehicle owners. With street parking, they may live a block or 3 away.


hyperr129 t1_je841g9 wrote

Yes do this! I got a permit, I posted the signs 5 days in advance, so people had plenty of time to see that there wasn’t parking ok the specific day/time. I mounted the signs to big traffic cones and had 6-7 signs spanning about 70 feet of curb for a 26 foot truck. I didn’t have any issues on the day of!

Block off an area of the street that is about twice as long as the moving truck so they have space to pull in, also align it so that the back of their truck is close to your front door.