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Killbot_Wants_Hug t1_je6fevb wrote

The fact that you're asking means you're more considerate than most people in the city.

Different neighborhoods have very different schedules. The more residential and night life neighborhoods it's probably best to be in and out between 10 and 4 on a week day. Places like downtown are probably best on the weekend.

In this city it's pretty common for trucks and people to block a lane (sometimes you'll run into 2 or even 3 people doing it on one block). The real asshole thing to do is block an alley, drive way or block someone in who is parallel parked beside you. If you absolutely have to do it make sure there's someone around the vehicle in case that person needs to leave. I can't tell you how many times assholes have parked to block me in and then act like I'm inconveniencing them because I want to leave my drive way.


sxswnxnw t1_je6owxc wrote

I agree, downtown is ok on the weekend... Just do not move on a race day. Like Charles Street 12, or Baltimore Running Festival, for example.
