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N4zdr3g t1_jdegi6p wrote

Other commenters are saying you'll be fine, and in general I'd agree with them. I've lived in and around this area for 5 1/2 years and used to walk pretty regularly.

Last October, though, my wife and I were mugged in Hampden next to Keswick Road, and I was shot in the leg. A group of young men (probably teenagers) have been targeting people in this area, probably because it's considered relatively "safe".

I haven't heard about any instances recently, but as far as I know they've never been caught. So just be careful out there.


nemoran t1_jdeiji9 wrote

Dang! I hope you’re recovered. I heard about that case at the time and it rattled everyone.

To OP, for a route, if it’s at night, I’d recommend walking Keswick down to where it turns into Sisson, then make a left on 28th and a right on Howard til you get close to the place on 22nd. Those are busy corridors at most hours of the day, so a lot of people around.

My understanding of a lot of those teens’ activity is they were targeting people in more isolated stretches near Wyman Park Drive. But like this commenter above said, I haven’t heard of any recent incidents.


testy918 t1_jdhdj02 wrote

Sorry to hear you and your wife had this experience. I hope that you are feeling alright these days.


N4zdr3g t1_jdif51w wrote

Thanks! We're both doing okay. My leg is healing up and I'm back close to 100% again. As far as gunshot wounds are concerned, I was extremely lucky.