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briadms t1_j8itb7p wrote

I also have a dog reactive sweetheart from BARCS. Have gone through training which was VERY helpful. Here are a few places I’ve used to play and/or practice training outside without too much concern for other dogs: Druid Hill Park tennis courts (fenced in, not much use during the week and off hours), dog park at the NE corner of the Royal Farms Arena, fenced in park at Park Ave and W Lexington, Greenmount Cemetery, Clifton Park tennis courts.

Most areas are ok if you use off hours, early AM, mid-week mid-day, and later PM.

You could also consider a longer lightweight lead. I used a 15’ one to help train off lease stuff without worry of actually being off lease. Helped with Recall training, for example.


6flightsup OP t1_j8jv2w0 wrote

Glad to hear training was so helpful. Druid Hill courts sounds very interesting. She is great with people and I would have time to ask a dog walker not to enter. Who but me and you want to bring our dogs there anyway?


briadms t1_j8k0tn7 wrote

Exactly. It’s fenced in with only a couple entrances and you can see in every direction pretty far. Tennis courts were a godsend for a while.

The training was helpful to get myself and my dog to a comfortable place moving forward. I did end up working with multiple trainers until I found the right fit. It was pretty difficult to digest the whole process for a bit, I’m happy to talk more directly if you have questions or are curious.


6flightsup OP t1_j8k572q wrote

Thank you so much. My girl only has leash issues (like pull my arm out of socket level) and sensitivity to other dogs. Besides that she is a gem. We have a guy who trained our other dog who lives in the burbs with my ex. Did a great job. We tend to pick large dogs that have been at the shelter for a while, so we have been here before. Thanks for your offer of more info. Appreciate the support!


jejunebug t1_j8sv36a wrote

This harness has been a game changer for us. My boys have used several different harnesses, martingales, prongs, gentle leaders - this is the only thing that stopped them in their tracks. Our walks got SO much better when we started using it.