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JupiterBass t1_j9uom27 wrote

It might be a hot take but a lot of the problems in Baltimore, minority communities, and many cities across the country would be solved by a bottom up solution rather than top-down one

The city can pour millions of dollars in any program or such for policing, education, parks and recs, and such but that still doesn't address the culture that a lot of the people from these high crime areas come from. Does Baltimore have a robust outreach program that can address the dysfunction and trauma that some of these people come from? I'm gonna look into it myself...

Addressing these issues with policy, and funding, and whatever else more so feel like band aides and covering up larger issues that are very complex...

If its a bottom-up solution, then that would be people getting into the neighborhoods, locally organized groups and such, but it seems like a cyclical problem when a lot of people who are either from the areas or the city/state in general might not even wanna try going there and doing work. Like wasn't a dude who was working close in the area shot a few years back?

I suppose either/or wont work...I feel like a mix of these band aide government solutions and local organization would do the trick...but thats over years. Baltimore didn't become this way over night and we can't expect change over night either...not without displacing a bunch of people at least