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socaTsocaTsocaT t1_j95s0y5 wrote

Shits crazy. I miss having blizzards. Maybe we'll have a cooler summer?


Crlady t1_j95sl8t wrote

I bought a sled two years ago and have used it once.


z3mcs t1_j95smr3 wrote

I was looking at this this morning too, and then looked up high temps for feb 23rd. It seems like hitting the mid 70s Feb 20-23rd happens an awful lot.

I also dont think that snow forecast for Saturday will last past Monday.


ironwatchdog t1_j95v4pk wrote

When I was young I remember someone saying if you don’t like the weather in Maryland, wait five minutes or drive five miles. So far that’s been pretty true. 🤣


daedelous t1_j95wxcj wrote

DC cherry blossoms are already starting to bloom. Not good.


Huge_World_3125 t1_j95xg9i wrote

at this point i can't decide if i should put on the summer wheels or not


JBSanderson t1_j95xq9c wrote

Why do people think that's a unique thing here? Every other temperate climate I've lived in, the locals say the same thing.

Baltimore is in a temperate climate and we're transitioning from winter to spring right now. Some days will be warm, some will be cold.


llamalobster OP t1_j95yr5j wrote

Also very sorry I spelled y'all incorrectly....please don't deport me from the state 🥺 Your girl loves Old Bay and driving poorly I don't think anywhere else would take me.


AmbitionOfPhilipJFry t1_j9618op wrote

It's just 3 degrees! /S

Yeah, remember when you were in high school and you had the near the end of the year grades? How hard is it to move that GPA 3 points after a tests, quizzes, n exams? You can get get 5x 100s in a row and it'll be .02 higher. If you have a large dataset, say over hundreds of years with thousands of data points, you need wild high numbers off the average to move it by 3.

Scientists really fucked up describing that key phenomenon to the public at large.


Humble_Libra t1_j96b9ca wrote

Absolutely fucking ridiculous SMH.....This winter was depressing and so disappointing! I seriously need to move somewhere where it's consistently cold and snows quite a lot!!!! I'm not looking forward to warm weather and can't stand it!!!! UGH!!!!


mastodfow t1_j96e9hc wrote

It drives me bananas. I’m in a few FB groups for different locations I’ve lived and they all post these stupid memes: “Only in [insert any location in a mid-latitude]!” Eye roll.


Huge-Cup-3520 t1_j96ibnf wrote

fuck no dummy we gotta go somewhere else for this bullshit


BJJBean t1_j96jmjd wrote

As a guy who hates cold weather and snow, I'm quite enjoying this whole "Global climate destruction thing." Hopefully it doesn't hit the fan till after I am dead.


edwardtrousers t1_j96n39y wrote

If you asked me which month this was just based on this picture, could be anything from October to May


Interesting-Ant-2524 t1_j96sils wrote

Be careful what you wish for. We still have Mar to get through in like a lion out like a lamb. Remember when it comes in like a lamb it’s gonna go out like a lion.


BMoreGirly t1_j96spry wrote

30° swing in one day. Yeah that's going to trigger a migraine. 😫


systemidx t1_j96ttjm wrote


You have no idea the physical toll a Maryland spring has on a person’s sinuses!


Unfair-Rip9168 t1_j971a14 wrote

Yea it’s been trending down. Maryland (and Baltimore specifically) weather is crazy, seriously right on the edge of most frontal boundaries AND on a little peninsula on a large body of water that helps to moderate temps. Never a dull moment here


Millennialcel t1_j9797rr wrote

Weather variability doesn't mean climate change. These aren't breaking records.


Emeraldskeleton t1_j981mag wrote

So your cities weather report just randomly popped up in my feed, and oh my God, wow, is that normal?


llamalobster OP t1_j981xd0 wrote

No this is not normal, I posted it because this is pretty abnormal for us...our weather in Maryland is prone to fluctuate a lot but usually not this much and not this early...February historically is still pretty cold consistently with an occasional 60 day degree day once or twice in the month.


Repulsive-Tennis-439 t1_j982i6q wrote

Just wait til the melting caps desalinate the oceans a bit more and the Gulf Stream stops- it will get plenty cold súper fast then. 🤣


CompetitiveAd1529 t1_j98ayg4 wrote

When was the last time a body of water actually froze over around here? I know it used to. The Potomac would ice over almost yearly......perhaps not thick enough to land an Air Florida passenger jet, but still frozen for the most part.


weahman t1_j9a2foc wrote

First time in Maryland? Welcome to February! Frecking Perring Parkway Paul at it again.