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addctd2badideas t1_ja0w0l9 wrote

If your reason for opposing the war and claims about them being Nazis were cogent and supported by facts then we could have a conversation.

As it stands, you haven't been cogent or factual.


PieceOfPie_SK t1_ja0xd49 wrote

how about you just fucking google it, there's hundreds of articles from respected journals writing about this issue from WELL before the war started. Ukraine was bombing its own citizens for years and years.


addctd2badideas t1_ja10c1g wrote

LOL why are you so salty if you're not going to provide your source? Oh that's right, you're Russkie garbage. Das Vadanya motherfucker.


PieceOfPie_SK t1_ja2ut2j wrote

It's just annoying that you pretend that I'm making some outrageous claim when it's SUPER well documented. I'm not Russian, I'm an American citizen who OPPOSES WAR. I want our country to focus on our people and not creating and exacerbating conflict all over the planet like it's been doing my entire lifetime.


addctd2badideas t1_ja36hxu wrote

So Ukraine has some neo-Nazis.

So does Russia.

So does the United States. Like a lot.

But that was entirely a Putin excuse. He wanted a sattelite state he could manipulate for his own benefit and keep them out of NATO..

You're not fooling anyone with your poorly made collage.


PieceOfPie_SK t1_ja3hx65 wrote

Ok but you don't see the difference between the neo-nazis that are openly embedded in the military and government, and neonazis that exist on the fringes of society?