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ObviousGazelle t1_jac3dmy wrote

Check here every couple of days. If it shows up in a city impound lot it'll appear here. Edit posted wrong link. It's the link to findmytow below. Apologies

Make sure your contact information is up to date.

And count your lucky stars. I was shot 13 times for my car just over a year ago and barely survived. I'm still in a wheelchair. Count your lucky stars.


Latirostris t1_jacaw2f wrote

That link is for some sort of Facebook reel.


ObviousGazelle t1_jadz5v4 wrote

Removed thanks. Apologies all around. I was very tired early this morning !


addctd2badideas t1_jacy362 wrote

Oh my God. 13 times? Jesus, that's an entire magazine.

I hope you're able to recover someday.


ObviousGazelle t1_jadjfrh wrote

It was 15 total technically. 13 penetrated. Two hit the ground right in front of me and flattened out, and spent just enough energy to not penetrate. One hit my thigh which already took 6 rounds and the other hit me in my right arm pit. I woke up a week later and still had a softball sized mound of purple and black flesh that took a drain installed and over a month to go down. It about dislocated my shoulder. And that was the least of my injuries. It was a .40sw Taurus handgun copy of a Glock like cops use. Stolen out of the county. I'm almost there. I'm still in a wheelchair but doing ok considering I died on the way to shock trauma, lost 6 of the 10 units of blood in the human body, and had 16 hour marathon surgery to save me. I hold the record at shock trauma for surviving the most large caliber handgun rounds, according to my doctors. I'm a tough old bastard lol


etoilebrille OP t1_jacnsib wrote

Was it this?

I am definitely thankful that nothing happened to my husband. Iā€™m still in a bit of shock but trying to work through it.


ObviousGazelle t1_jadjq88 wrote

YOU will have PTSD. So will he. There's no hiding from it. Work through it. My wife is going through it still and she wasn't with me thank God

And yes I posted the wrong link lol so sorry


maiios t1_jae2q0n wrote

I worked for BCDOT for the last three years. That site hasn't been used in about 5 or 6 years. I only got them to take it off the towing website last year. šŸ™„


coorzltz68 t1_jad7ek7 wrote

Holy shit! Iā€™m so glad you are alive. So much suffering and trauma for a car.