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joseekatt t1_j6bqq4y wrote

Your sweet baby is beautiful. Looks like she’s had a good life so far.


SirRipOliver t1_j6brqbw wrote

Those are some ancient beans of wisdom op! I want to tickle them…


UVA1984 t1_j6bt7i4 wrote

That’s wonderful! Beautiful❤️


dawgmama62 t1_j6btidj wrote

Aww, what a beauty. I hope she has many more wonderful years.


sagitta_luminus t1_j6btxhi wrote

The oldest cats I’ve had lived to 18. What’s your secret?


18114 t1_j6bvvk6 wrote

Your Kitty is a beautiful little doll❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


[deleted] t1_j6c6svc wrote

What a beautiful beast! I had to leave my 11 y/o kitty behind with family because of the war and I plan on going back in 2-3 years and I really hope to see him again. Seeing kitties make it this long gives me hope gif


meganlo3 t1_j6d62ud wrote

You are so lucky! What a sweetie.


RawbeardX t1_j6dflm9 wrote

give the kitty a boop from me, please.


lienmarine86 t1_j6dfxp2 wrote

That's great, my parents just had to put down their 20 year old kitty last year, but they have another that's 19 and in much better health. The 20 year old struggled with allergies and kidney issues for years while the 19 year old has been in perfect health her whole life.


PapaChoff t1_j6dsq6f wrote

Didn’t look a day over 6 mo. What’s her secret? 😄


CaptainKao t1_j6e93wn wrote

I wonder how many little creatures it killed in those 21 years.


Sunsetflory t1_j6fn54h wrote

She is beautiful! Also she is almost as old as me!


Spidy31413 t1_j6g4kk8 wrote

Now that is a wise old kitty Tell your kitty happy birthday in april for me :3


BefuddledPolydactyls t1_j6gkq9p wrote

What a beautiful elderly lady. You've obviously taken wonderful care of her.


oldmanjenkins51 t1_j6hhoi5 wrote

My first cat died at 10 to stomach worms. Cat #2 is still kicking at 14, as if she’s 5. Tons of energy, very very intelligent, and talks a lot. Still cherish every day she’s still around.