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1000Years0fDeath t1_j159q73 wrote

Holding a cat like a baby is the ultimate goal


[deleted] t1_j15ugpt wrote



gingergirl181 t1_j16u1zs wrote

My first kitten did this weird thing where he would lean back, stretching out his paws all the way and just drape himself backwards, either on my lap or in my arms. Totally exposed belly, which yes, actually, he DID want pet. He grew to be super huge too (around 25lbs!) so he would be SUPER imbalanced when doing it in my arms, but he still wouldn't stop doing it, even at risk of falling. He was just a stretchy boi in general since he would also drape himself over my shoulder. Loved that weirdo.


Kasuraga t1_j17c15h wrote

lmao one of my tuxedo's rolls onto his back and squirms all over the floor to entice you to give him belly rubs


the_sea_beast1 t1_j18mqsk wrote

Love(ed) nooooooooopooooooo it can't be


gingergirl181 t1_j1agscp wrote

He was my first ever kitty when I was 11 years old. I'm 30 now. Would that they lived as long as we do.


batmanandboobs93 t1_j16y9v5 wrote

I work at a doggy day camp and kennel and we have a small pitty mix who insists on this. He needs to be carried, and he will wriggle himself over immediately so he’s being carried like a baby and he’ll wag and kiss you the whole time you carry him. He’s a delight.


FlowerFaerie13 t1_j17ttwi wrote

I’m assuming as a pit bull mix he probably weighs around 30-50 pounds so while that sounds ADORABLE my back is cringing.


batmanandboobs93 t1_j17u0ri wrote

He’s young and pretty small so I wanna say 40 pounds? Maybe less? He’s a big ol’ sweetie and basically me and all my coworkers are always clamoring to be the one to “hold the baby!” Lol


AFucking12Gage t1_j16dwwo wrote

I never talk about my cat but she allows me to pick her up like a baby once a day when I come home for about 30 seconds. Then she’s off doing her own things. It makes my fucking day as a 27 year old man.


OSCgal t1_j15zh6v wrote

One of mine will do it for a minute or two, purring the whole time. It's so sweet!

The rest of the time he's 50 pounds of mischief in a 10 pound cat, so it balances out.


KeyKitty t1_j16zxpk wrote

My orange dufus use to love being held like a baby. Then he got intestinal cancer. He’s still going strong but he would rather not flip over or get rough belly rubs anymore. Gentle belly pats and chest scritches are still welcome if you let him lay on his side.


littlebloodmage t1_j16gmoo wrote

Whenever my gremlin gets the zoomies at an ungodly hour, holding her like a baby for a while is the only way to get her to settle down


Guardian1030 t1_j16h8ic wrote

I baby-carry trained both of my kittens. They both let me hold them like that and I give them chin and face scratches.


Purple-Note2921 t1_j17cr8y wrote

I think (maybe it was last week's?) the one who steals his blind roommate's treats is the naughtiest of the year! Gadget definitely looks like a charmer ♥


WukongPvM t1_j17d0i1 wrote

My old dog used to do this,you could pick him up in anyway and he would just accept his fate so I would often pick him up like a baby and he'd just fall asleep.

Miss that little idiot


Owlatmydoor t1_j14gmt2 wrote

I think (maybe it was last week's?) the one who steals his blind roommate's treats is the naughtiest of the year! Gadget definitely looks like a charmer ♥


Other-Cantaloupe4765 t1_j15iajz wrote

What rescue is this from? Like would I be able to see their board of the week online somewhere?


Partiallysensitive OP t1_j15irex wrote

Yes, Perry's Place LA on Instagram!

Forgot to mention them in a comment like last time


Md37793 t1_j15k1sw wrote

Kitty behavior bootcamp sounds about as useful as a helicopter ejection seat…


Phenotyx t1_j16h3na wrote

I actually have never heard that one so my brain went through the logical process of events thinking “where would it go wrong?”

“Ah, right about there


jasonxtk t1_j17dy2k wrote

"But hear me out... what if the ejector seat... is also a helicopter?"


Captain-Griffen t1_j17mg1t wrote

Fyi, helicopter ejection seats do exist, although they're not as simple as for planes.

Also, you can train cats, it's just harder because cats aren't as cooperative as dogs.


CatLover_801 t1_j16swku wrote

Nah, a helicopter ejection seat is much more useful


Jaimzell t1_j17t5o3 wrote

A lot less harmful to humans, that’s for sure.


tagen t1_j1733cu wrote

Lol, helicopter ejector seat, haven’t heard that one before, made me push air quickly out of my nose


Capable-Site-301 t1_j15j2gv wrote

New Kitts on the Block, you say? What are their hit songs?

"The Bite Stuff"?

"Covered In Hair Girl"?

"I'll Be Scratching You (Forever)"?

"Hangin' Tough.... ON YOUR LEG!"?

(Yes, I'm old.)


hidethebump t1_j15uvh1 wrote

I love these posts!


michiness t1_j16gg7r wrote

I would LOVE to see an "animal of the week/month" subreddit. I know penguins have one but I want one for all animals. I love all of these.


NefariousnessQuiet22 t1_j168cpf wrote

I swear… the adoption center that does this is brilliant. I keep wanting the troublemakers!


Trolodrol t1_j15e7dw wrote

I’ve got a grey tabby like that and she also likes to be held and carried like a baby


ColdShadows04 t1_j14pbm9 wrote

Sounds like a... cat?


Misswestcarolina t1_j15goin wrote

Both sound like exactly the same cat, just in different moods at various points in the day. And there’s no telling which you’ll get or why.


Ok-Supermarket9120 t1_j16dcui wrote

I hold one of mine like that, SOMETIMES...she was a rescue off a busy road when about 3 inches long. Probably feral. Anyway, she scratched and bit for months! Now she is somewhat tame. I pick her up to hug and kiss her and she gets mad. I tell her this is the price she has to pay for putting me thru hell raising this wildcat. I tell her I'll kiss her and hug her when I want. If she doesn't like, T O U G H!!!


Goddess-Fun2177 t1_j19iqu8 wrote

Hahaha!!! I do the same thing to my girl. She doesn’t like being kissed or hugged and she’ll let out this DRAMATIC “meowrawraw” thing 🤣 Gotta put up with it since I put up with you constantly knocking shit off dressers, table, windowsill.. EVERYWHERE! 🫣


Ophelia19 t1_j164wof wrote

These are always laugh out loud funny


TheUglyCasanova t1_j165in5 wrote

Sigh cat on top looks just like my cat before I had to give him up when I became homeless...the unexpected sads when already having a rough day. Oof.


needsmorequeso t1_j16rgnk wrote

I am glad I don’t live in proximity to the people who make this sign because I’d just bring home all the naughty cats and think “I can change them!”


jcnlb t1_j18zgyu wrote

Please keep posting these! They make me so happy!


Partiallysensitive OP t1_j19093d wrote

Thank you!, I'm glad. I should be posting another tomorrow or Saturday


jcnlb t1_j191xv2 wrote

Yay! I followed you so hoping they pop up in my feed! 🫶🏻


[deleted] t1_j153swy wrote



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thepetoctopus t1_j16fwek wrote

Pretty sure I’m going to smother porckchop with kisses if I’m given the chance.


5ammas t1_j16seey wrote

Hey, I have one of each of these at home! One will lay himself in my arms like a baby, the other is sharp and spicy and has to be heavily sedated for vet visits. His file is marked "Very naughty kitty. Handle with gloves."


IrisSmartAss t1_j17jlgu wrote

I can see the point of dog shaming, but cats just don't give a damn.


Hipster_idk t1_j18zl7c wrote

My cat would always be the naughty cat of the week, even tho she’s the only cat in my household atm xD


Royal_Cryptographer7 t1_j14lao3 wrote

Whoa, keep away from that one. Even good tempered cats are part evil. I can't imagine how bad they would be when they're hellbent on world destruction.
