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miata509 t1_j1kk46z wrote

Why would people be upset over a pitbull? That's lame... good puppers are good puppers....


LadyMothrakk t1_j1km648 wrote

If people didn’t have anything to complain about, they’d complain about not having anything to complain about.


18114 t1_j1kyns3 wrote

OK Molly gets a pass. Merry XMAS Molly 🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄


davidmlewisjr t1_j1l0j6i wrote

Did the brown puppy upset somebody? Seems a bit narrow minded or presumptuous of them.

This one is also cute. What happened to Hagred and friends?


sparkjh t1_j1l4hfz wrote

Molly is quite cute but I think the best response to those people should be to post more pitbulls.


Pixysus t1_j1l8v6b wrote

Now post both! Every dog deserves love ❤️


your-name-rules-suck t1_j1lidh7 wrote

Molly baby gets an upvote and now I'll go upvote pitpull baby as well because he/she deserves love and also f*ck those people


UVA1984 t1_j1ln051 wrote

Post what you want and let those misinformed folks stay behind the safety of their keyboards. I was once a member of the misinformed until I fostered a Pit Labrador mix. Now, the newest member of our family is a Jack Russell-Pit-Heinz 57 mix and he’s 100% pure joy. There’s nothing frightening about snuggles, belly rubs and loyal companionship. And BTW, Molly sure is cute. ❤️🎄🥲🐶🥰


davidmlewisjr t1_j1lxa1m wrote

So, the brown puppy is also doing well? Seemed a cute puppy.


davidmlewisjr t1_j1lyjgi wrote

Thats cool. Give the puppy some hugs and pets for me. Stay safe 😃


creative-gardener t1_j1m4s8c wrote

Why were people upset because you posted a photo of a pitbull?


syzygy-xjyn t1_j1m4vni wrote

Sad :( I have the sweetest staffordshire terrier in the world. She’s anti aggressive… meaning she will chill an Aggro dog out if one comes up with too much energy. Seriously such a sweet dog.


Fotomaki t1_j1m5all wrote

Pretty Molly. Love the white tip on her tail. ❤️


MonoBotSC t1_j1m6k4a wrote

Cute pup! Post link to the pit so we can love on em too!


tuppence07 t1_j1mdgfc wrote

Your pitbull reminds me of my Staffordshire bull terror (I mean terrier) the eyes on your pattie are beautiful 😍


_kanna- t1_j1mm0nm wrote

My dog looks super close to Molly! I showed it to my family and they thought it was her haha The only difference is that she has a brown spot on her right eye.

Molly looks very lovely! The dog in your other post looks very cute too, i don't get the hate


Scottcmms1954 t1_j1mmois wrote

Ignore the haters. I have a rescue pitty that I love with all my heart.


Mystical_Cat t1_j1mqo1m wrote

Super cute!

It’s perfectly okay to dislike a breed of dog; you don’t have to be a chucklefuck about it. I don’t like standard poodles, but I would never disparage those who do.


Beneficial-Brain3264 t1_j1msgmh wrote

I just called Santa and he promised to stuff your stocking with presents for me, no matter how smelly it is! If you haven't gotten your Christmas presents yet, there must be a hole in your stocking! Go mend it! Hey hey, Merry Christmas!


Mada15 t1_j1n33z3 wrote

Omg Reddit people can fuck off. Pits are wonderful dogs!!!!


Ughhh012 t1_j1n3vf2 wrote

Afaik Pitbulls are a group largely negatively impacted by incorrect stereotypes. American pitbull terriers and American Staffordshire terriers (pitbulls) are strong, confident, loyal, and eager to please. They are known as great companion dogs and typically do well with children. According to the United Kennel Club and American Kennel Club, they will show some dog aggression if not appropriately socialized, but aggressive behavior towards humans is uncharacteristic. In other words, it usually isn't the dog, it's the owner.


maiorano84 t1_j1ndvgq wrote

>People were upset

Translation: One person was upset.


MollFlanders t1_j1nihct wrote

I can only speak for myself, but both of my parents were attacked by pit bulls in front of me at a young age. they both had to go to the hospital. I am very scared of pit bulls due to my childhood trauma and I wish that the balance of different animals and breeds posted in this sub wasn’t so heavily weighted towards pit bulls.


rokelle2012 t1_j1nj0lw wrote

The naysayers need to get educated. People have a very hard time with, "Don't like it? Keep scrolling." I understand some people may have traumas surrounding certain breeds but, don't be an asshole to others about it.


Ok_Dog_4059 t1_j1njcr4 wrote

What a beautiful girl just look at those ears.


pngbrianb t1_j1nksyg wrote

That's actually not a bad article. It mentions a few of the statistics' caveats, but I'm sure another big one is population. There are just SO many pitbulls for whatever reason. Go to any dog shelter in a city and it's just chock-full of pitbulls.


k9dvr t1_j1nkvuz wrote

Yeah, yeah, yeah. One thing I learned about in my endless Stats classes is that Statistics are not hard science. They can be manipulated by the data collected, number of instances/cases studied, geographic location, even the verbiage or definitions used in the question. God knows, all we have to do is look at politics to verify this premise.

You don't want a pitbull...don't get one. Leave those who love, respect and are responsible owners be.


StarDingo t1_j1nl5rj wrote

My neighbor had a pitbull who attacked me for no reason. It also attacked everyone of his guests, and he treats the dog like his child. You people are absolutely lost.


Puzzled_Money_9292 t1_j1no7en wrote

So people hate pit bulls because of a highly flawed statistic? It’s part of the reason pit bulls attack people is because they’re trained to do that? People train a dog to attack people but then people hate it because they do what they’re trained to do?


babiona t1_j1npg0w wrote

molly is precious :c and please post more pitbulls :c they are such adorable doggies, people are just rude


GingerBeastxD t1_j1nvrb4 wrote

While that’s for sure your right to do that but may I suggest one of the many pit bull hating subs on this platform. You’ll be welcome with open arms by other like minded misinformed individuals, who choose emotion over facts. Have a great Christmas.


Slammogram t1_j1nwslv wrote

I’d like to see the pit please….


UVA1984 t1_j1sjvj7 wrote

I do realize that any dog can be aggressive for a variety of reasons. I recognize that many people HAVE been injured or killed. I was speaking from my own personal experience and did not intend to come across as insensitive. Spread peace and love, friends.


lefluffle t1_j1ssdxa wrote

Exactly this is what people don't want to admit. They want to pretend that the shelters are overrun with pitbulls because people discriminate against them. That's not even close to true. Plenty of potential adopters have become brainwashed by now to believe the pro-Pitbull propoganda. The reason there are so many pits in the shelter is because they keep getting returned due to aggression problems.


lefluffle t1_j1ssu3a wrote

They are sweethearts whether they're trained or not. But they snap because they it is a breed trait to attack. That's how these maulings happen. That's why children keep losing their faces or their lives. Because of just ONE time the family pitbull suddenly attacked. That's all it takes.


rokelle2012 t1_j1sxxen wrote

You are absolutely incorrect about "only one breed has a bad rep like this". It's been the Dobermans, the German Shepherds, the Mastiffs, the Rottweilers, and that's just to name a few. I am also quite educated on the topic and in all instances where one of these breeds has attacked someone it is because of the owner not training them properly.