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readwaaat t1_iy96bu8 wrote

Good boy Abel, your expression and your little paws are so sweet. I hope your human gets better soon.


RolesG t1_iy990b0 wrote

Goodest boi! My cat always does the same thing for me too, and it's adorable every time.


DrunkWestTexan t1_iy9d8co wrote

Don't forget to cover yourself in ketchup before you die. He deserves it . He earned it. LOL


Orlando_the_Cat t1_iy9i3j9 wrote

Maybe ask someone to take him outside, then. He must be busting.


REDT7 t1_iy9o3ik wrote

He is unabel to leave your side


oliverkloezoff t1_iya0l70 wrote

Of course he hasn't, he's your protector. Look at the deep concern in his eyes. "B well, hooman".


HiveMindKing t1_iya3852 wrote

Based on that dogs face I would be scared that I have cancer or something. He looks big concerned.


Baldemyr t1_iya8p99 wrote

Give that furry bastard all thr lovins u can!


BadgerB2088 t1_iyaraqj wrote

The goodest of boys. Give that top doggo a scritching for me! Straight up, if you love your doggo they will always do right by you.

I got a AmStaffxMastiff and RottiexMastiff and when I went through withdrawals getting clean at the beginning of the year they were never more than 6 feet away from me for a week.

I was too unwell to walk them so I got my best mate to come round and take them out. They've both known Ryan since they were puppys and he sits them when I'm away so they've gone for walkies with him plenty.

Anyway, they got round the first corner on my block and wouldn't go any further. Ryan reckons they pulled him back home and as soon as they got through the door they were straight into the bedroom and onto my bed.

Your canine companion never needs a reason, they'll just straight up love ya and stay by your side no matter what.


brujabella t1_iyas5as wrote

“You will be fine honey, now get better bc that ball isn’t gonna throw itself.”


carlitospig t1_iyatedf wrote

“Hi buddy. Buddy, are you okay? You don’t look good, buddy.”


Dragonwulf OP t1_iyatobh wrote

I’m glad to hear you are on the mend yourself. Last time I was this sick was prior to the pandemic and I didn’t have my furry pal at the time. I don’t think he was even born then so to say I showed a drastic change in front of him is putting it mildly.


Milena1991 t1_iyayat2 wrote

Awww, him a good doggie. He’s like, “I stay with you till you feel better, Dad.” He loves you.


v3zkcrax t1_iyb7pdn wrote

Are you getting better?


Looieanthony t1_iybbxaq wrote

What a sweet and concerned doggo❤️.


BadgerB2088 t1_iybdocl wrote

Cheers mate, feel like a different man nowadays. I'm glad you've got your furry friend to keep ya company and hope you're on the mend yourself.

It's a real shame that it's hard for people in a lot of places to have a canine member of the household as I think having a dog is good for someone in so many ways.

I know my dogs have always done wonders for my mental health, they are always stoked when I get home from work which helps after a long day and I'm always out the house for a couple hours a day getting fresh air when I walk them.

Lockdown wasn't easy but I wouldn't have been able to deal with the isolation a fraction as well if it wasn't for the girls.


gntlman78 t1_iyc9vck wrote

The love of a dog... 💖