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Seroqueldreams OP t1_iybrnjo wrote

Thank you so much for this suggestion! I will be picking one up ASAP! I will absolutely be taking your advice! I wear a lot of black clothes so that will definitely help me out! 😅🙏 you’re the best for this comment!! Thank you so much 🫶😭


halfbreedADR t1_iybugre wrote

You may find black clothes to be not worth the effort after a while😩. Ragdoll fur clings to everything. I almost never wear my black hoodie because effort.

Also, I find a comb with rotating bristles like the “Untangler” work well on ragdolls, especially for dreads which can get pretty gnarly with that ultra fine hair. You might want to combine one with a Furminator or ShedMonster which don’t break up dreads as well, but honestly I eventually started to use the Untangler as my primary comb. As long as you groom them weekly, dreads stay pretty manageable.


Seroqueldreams OP t1_iybxcj5 wrote

I will definitely be looking into both of these! Thank you so much for the suggestion!! Oh boy I sort of figured her hairs would be a bit of a battle 😅 I will probably refrain from buying anymore dark colored clothes 😂🥲 she’s totally worth the trouble though! I really appreciate your advice, I probably would’ve been using normal lint rollers for ages!! 🙏😭


halfbreedADR t1_iybzabg wrote

Oh yeah my girl is totally worth it. She’s actually pretty low maintenance other than getting fur on everything. She loves getting combed, and tolerates nail trimming! The only time she gets a little bitey is when I’m working on a particularly tough dread, and even then I can usually go at it for a while before she finally says “enough!”

Also, dreads will tend to form under your girl’s armpits and right underneath the tail on the sides. Just feel around there as you groom her and start working them out as soon as you find them.


Seroqueldreams OP t1_iydoem0 wrote

Thank you so much for letting me know!! I will be checking under her arms more often just in case! Have you tried doing the wet tooth brush thing? I saw online some cats like that since it felt similar to being licked on the forehead! 😭🥹


halfbreedADR t1_iydxblp wrote

Never tried the toothbrush thing. Wouldn’t hurt though.

Also, you won’t really need to check for dreads much until her hair grows out, just do normal grooming. Maybe in 6 months? I can’t remember how long it took.


Seroqueldreams OP t1_iye24os wrote

I will absolutely keep that in mind! I think in 2 months she will be at the 6 month mark! So far she’s been really good about being brushed gently with a slicker brush but I’m going to switch over to that ferminator one, it looks a lot nicer! 🙏


Gareth79 t1_iycmajk wrote

Wearing light coloured clothes doesn't work. People will still say "oh so you have lots of cats then?"


Seroqueldreams OP t1_iydq8l7 wrote

😭😭😭 there’s no winning this battle!! She’s definitely worth it though! 🫶