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cheezeeweezee t1_j98imps wrote

No. You think the couch is yours . . . it IS theirs.


theshogun02 t1_j98k75s wrote

The couch IS theirs it would seem. Better luck next couch anyways.


mcsharp t1_j98lrka wrote

Oh really, did they put those sheets on there OP??

You have forfeited your territory and it will never be reclaimed.


Loreen72 t1_j98n7o7 wrote

Certainly looks as if it's theirs! LOL!!


thatshottaye t1_j98npr6 wrote

It is theirs. You're lucky they let you live with them. You've got the privilege of being their hooman... Now bum scratchies and tummy taps STAT 🥹❤️


mYstiSagE t1_j98opbp wrote

I know, right😂🤣 silly pups🐾🐾🐾


TeslaStar t1_j98psue wrote

Ahh, poor delusional OP. The couch is definitely not yours. Those cute furballs are tho ^^


jemy74 t1_j98qshw wrote

Of course it’s theirs. Accept that legally, cute doggos have eminent domain over the couch.


127_0_0_1_body t1_j98rdhf wrote

Yeah I think you’re going to need to get a new couch…for you.


Shadowed_Thing1 t1_j98tcfv wrote

Wdym?? It is theirs.. and it has been since they got there


mlh84 t1_j98vl3o wrote

It’s their world. You’re just living in it.


noodleporksammiches t1_j98voet wrote

I mean, it’s covered in weird old bedsheets…looks like a dog lounge to me.


ChancePut7855 t1_j98xxsn wrote

Lol 😂 hate to break it too you but, it is ! Lol 😂 beautiful babies ! 🐾🐶❤️


AZ_Corwyn t1_j98zdfz wrote

Possession Occupation is nine/tenths of the law. Looks like you'll need to find another place to sit.


[deleted] t1_j990xuk wrote

Oh my goodness. I just wanna join them 🥺


Thick-Government-550 t1_j992vjx wrote

They let us sleep in their beds and couch. They let us drive their car. They let us live in their house They own us and we wouldn't have it any other way 🥰


Thick-Government-550 t1_j9934wi wrote

It took me a year to find a couch for them. One baby liked to sleep on top of back cushions so I had to buy a thick backed couch.


DankiesLair t1_j998k9e wrote

It is theirs.. you dog-proofed it with the blankets.


devianb t1_j99eqyk wrote

Based on the photo I would say the couch is theirs.


Louiejojo t1_j99gqq0 wrote

They “think” or they “know”? I used to “think” my house was my own know I “know” it belongs to Louie and jojo!😆


morjarv t1_j99kl6y wrote

Can you prove it is not in fact their couch? Possession is 9/10s of the law...and they clearly have possession of the couch.


LtRecore t1_j99nbii wrote

Obviously they know it’s theirs.


loo_min t1_j9a12we wrote

Op thinks the couch is hers.


Abyssallord t1_j9a5hgq wrote

As funny as it is, look at their sleeping positions. They feel utterly and completely safe. Wholesome!


ntgco t1_j9a9q34 wrote

And that's why our dog is never allowed on furniture.


Gumbybum t1_j9a9zpk wrote

Are they somehow mistaken?


Frozensummer12 t1_j9aclt3 wrote

You should probably buy a new couch for you haha!


Luunibuun t1_j9bi70n wrote

Somehow i read this, They think the couch is tetris? I mean its not so far off from turth.


Deep-Internal-2209 t1_j9br0eb wrote

Hope you have a folding chair you can sit on because that couch is gone.


Foxlinger68 t1_j9brwrv wrote

Because it is 😂 beautiful precious babies ♥️ ❤️ ♥️


PainterSome526 t1_j9bznuw wrote

That is adorable. My cats would say "excuse me, there's a little space there for me"


3Heathens_Mom t1_j9cmh6g wrote

I was looking to see if there was a cat or two tucked in the smaller areas.

And please stop coveting their couch! It’s obviously theirs as look how well they all fit on it.

Cute group of puppers and ty for sharing the pic.


ZestycloseTiger9925 t1_j9d1jed wrote

I mean are they not the reason why you have it covered in sheets? Clear signal as to who should be upon it!


Butterdonie t1_j9d6q8p wrote

Mine do, too. The morkie concidered it his bed and was gentle with it until an 8 week old Bernedoodle joined the family. 3 months later, I can put the loveseat together, in other words, sweep it off, put the cushions back on, and put a clean cover on it. Once the two get on it and start playing, it takes about fifteen minutes to have everything on the floor again. They have so much fun, I just let them alone. I know it’ll be my fault when they don’t appreciate the new loveseat I plan to buy in a couple years.