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NicoTheFileClerk t1_j9olws8 wrote

Aww man, I don’t know if my teeth can handle all this sweetness ☺️


dps15 t1_j9p4gxf wrote

Hm, I wonder what they would look like if they were condensed into the size of a corgi?


selkiesidhe t1_j9pnq0j wrote

Such sweet baby elephants

(Also I love her hair!)


HumpieDouglas t1_j9ppjou wrote

I wonder if that person recently changed to that hair style and the elephant is like "what happened to your hair human?"


Dickpuncher_Dan t1_j9q9ng0 wrote

I could never do that. I would love them too much. Inevitably we'd have to put one down, and it would be hard.


Primus_the_Knave t1_j9qjf4j wrote

Is it really a kiss if they’re poking you with a prehensile nose? Maybe a reverse boop?


Slatedtoprone t1_j9qn0kb wrote

That’s super cute how he’s giving little sniff/kisses. I wonder if they do the same behavior when they are the size of a van.


The_Hot_Stepper t1_j9qoaem wrote

I like to think the elephant is trying to comfort the human. “It’s okay your ears aren’t floppy like mine or your nose doesn’t snoot. I still love you two legged elephant.”


Coca_Cola_for_blood t1_j9qqics wrote

I thought they were full sized elephants at first and my brain saw the person as a 30 foot tall giant!


KingCaridin t1_j9ra7eg wrote

Elephants are up there with orangutans as my favourite animals.


janksnake t1_j9rjrom wrote

This has just reminded me that I really want an elephant friend :I


ObsidianCurrent t1_j9sfwgh wrote

Everytime I scroll past this, I see a giant person next to regular elephants for the tiniest moment.


chemicalclarity t1_j9siq40 wrote

I'm pretty sure this is a pic of a team member of an all woman anti poaching unit in Kenya. These women are beyond badass and do incrible work.

Edit: She's from Team Lioness.


Bombanater t1_j9siw73 wrote

Fun fact, elephants often react to humans in a similar way to how we react to kittens. No matter what you're going through, no matter how you're feeling. Remember, there is an elephant out there that thinks your cuter then puppies.


Alien_Fruit t1_j9t2h8a wrote

This is the sweetest and most loving action I have ever seen! Thanks to the beautiful young woman and to the beautiful babies!