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being_interesting0 t1_j4tyanf wrote

Here is a paper that suggests epigenetics plays a large role.

It is true that mammal size is correlated to heart rate, and both are correlated to lifespan. Most mammals get about 1 billion heart beats. Humans have managed to beat this by being more social (supporting our elders in pre-medicine societies) and then using medical technology to really overcome natural entropy.


Aus_scientist t1_j4upta9 wrote

Similarly, here is a new paper from Sinclair Lab also suggesting this (more specifically loss of epigenetic info). Came out a few days ago and people are still dissecting it.


[deleted] t1_j4tt1o1 wrote



JonJackjon t1_j4twwpy wrote

It also seems the slower the animal the longer it lives. Could be the heartbeat limit you mentioned.


SethSky t1_j4v1sw4 wrote

The lifespan of a species is determined by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Genetic factors include the presence or absence of certain genes that are associated with aging and disease, while environmental factors include access to food and water, exposure to toxins and pollutants, and susceptibility to predators and disease.

Humans have a relatively long lifespan compared to many other species, including housecats, due in part to genetic factors such as the presence of telomerase, an enzyme that helps to maintain the integrity of chromosomes and therefore the longevity of cells. Additionally, humans have a relatively low rate of predation and access to medical care and other forms of protection from disease, which also contribute to our longer lifespan.

Early human life expectancy was ably about only 20 years too.