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Level_Rule2567 t1_j11uvsy wrote

Probably there are some other mechanisms involved, but one regulation is the depletion of free NAD+. If you don’t have any oxigen to finally receive the electrons made on glicolisis - Krebs cycle, all NAD+ gets converted to NADH, and the reactions that requiere free NAD+ just stop. To avoid all these things, you can convert piruvate to lactic acid (lactic fermentation). This reaction uses one NADH, and converts it to NAD+ again, so that the glicolisis - lactic fermentation can continue. This reaction takes place in the cell cytoplasm, not on the mitochondria, separating in from other processes.


InterestingCase7238 t1_j12olec wrote

I love much depends on there being enough oxygen to accept electrons at the end of the electron transport chain. If reaction intermediates build up, you can be sure pyruvate will also build up and preferentially undergo fermentation.