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thegypsyqueen t1_j20dllp wrote

There is no true comparison study of these strategies and for every study looking and finding handoff errors there is another showing long shift lengths also increase errors. We very much do not know which one is “better” but physicians would argue that it’s not humane to accept a system that forces them to work 24, 36, or more hours in a row. We are already working an incredible amount of hours in a week. My point is, this is not a forgone conclusion and the biggest study looking at your argument of increased hours being superior for reduction of errors was a biased study conducted by a group of resident directors.


LonelyGnomes t1_j21i7uh wrote

Pretty sure a study was recently published that physicians on average thought fewer handoffs were better for patient care, but would not want to be seen by a doc at the end of a 24 hour shift. So basically we’re hypocrites.