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xDaBaDee t1_iwpj52p wrote

I am going to add my two coffee cup cents to this user's oh so very words on wise. I would think weight and size would affect this.

I would also suggest OP check out, if interested in the same topic, the info on horse movement. I watched one that explained and showed how when horses run there is a moment when all four hooves are not touching the ground. It was interestingly informative. Now back to my regular coffee cup consumption.


Ainothefinn t1_iwpjmb7 wrote

That's true, but not for all of horse running. Horses have varying gaits and only in a gallop are all four feet off the ground at the same time.


merrycat t1_iwpvn42 wrote

I was really surprised to find that moment of suspension wasn't when the legs were all outstretched, but when they were gathered under the horse, just before the hind legs touch down.

Some dogs have a double suspension gallop which is more what Iwas expecting. All four legs are off the ground when gathered under them, and again when they're all stretched out.


Tiny_Rat t1_iwqabou wrote

The dogs that run like this have much more flexible spines than horses, and are also much lighter for their height. A horse doesn't have enough flexibility and power to run like that.


natx37 t1_iwpjzdm wrote

The running movement is defined by a moment when all legs are off the ground for all species that run.


SpiceySlade t1_iwq1utx wrote

You might want to try consuming the coffee instead of the cup. I expect it'll result in less mouth injuries.


sharaq t1_iwpm15q wrote

Why would it surprise you that all four legs do not touch the ground? That's how everything runs. Even the running emoji features someone at that moment in their stride.


factfarmer t1_iwq08en wrote

Not really, even horses. With most gaits, only two feet off the ground at a time.


sharaq t1_iwqel7h wrote

>with most gaits

Yes, and with most gaits, a human likewise maintains contact with the ground, but those gaits are not a "run" or appropriate equivalent (gallop).