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phriendlyphellow t1_ivpyn4r wrote

And to your point about gene therapy…

This is a hot area of synthetic regenerative biology. Instead of dealing with donor matching and immunosuppression, what if you could extract a patient’s cells, reprogram them to a pluri- or multi- potent state, use gene editing tools like CRISPR to correct any degenerative genetic defect, grow the patients pool of cells, infuse them into a decellularized extracellular matrix (ECM) of an organ they need, and cisplant (as opposed to transplant, because it’s their own cells).

Theoretically possible and a number of these techniques have made it past the proof of concept stage.


ArtyWhy8 t1_ivr0e0y wrote

Just was hearing about something like this being done. Funny enough it all comes back to the Thymus. Here’s the Radiolab episode I heard about it on.