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PerspectivePure2169 t1_iulnas6 wrote

Your proposal violates the first law of thermodynamics, in that it requires wholesale creation of energy.

That is not possible. That is what is known as a perpetual motion device. They have been proposed and claimed many times.

There has never, and will never, be such a thing. In layman's terms, you can't make something out of nothing. You can't turn the chemical energy contained in one battery into heat, then mechanical work, then electricity, then mechanical work again, while somehow multiplying it.

In fact, the real world does the opposite- entropy and inefficiencies bleed some off at every conversion.

Which means simpler conversions are more efficient ones.

As for electric drive ships, they have been and are still built. The reason internal combustion prevails is because it is cheaper to operate, requires less space so more payload, is relatively efficient, and takes less crew, training and maintenance.


SweetBasil_ t1_iulu4fd wrote

This is the clearest overall response. The system described will not be able to boil the water using only the energy from boiling the water. Let alone powering the ship as well.