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TheNoobsauce1337 t1_iulmgzn wrote

Ahh I see.

Believe it or not, I wasn't posting this to troll. I legit had a scientific question and wanted to test the idea out with other like minds.

Contrary to what you see on today's internet, I actually appreciate the criticism. Bouncing ideas back and forth (pending real experimentation) is what I think makes science both great and important. Seeking out truth through hypothesis and experimentation.


TheDawggFather t1_iulqdch wrote

This curiosity you have is great! However, It seems you might be operating without fully understanding some fundamental physical concepts. If your really interested in these kinds of things, im sure you would enjoy taking some time to learn more physics and engineering. I know that YouTube has some awesome video lectures and I've heard good things about I hope this helps, never stop being curious and asking questions! 👍