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Polikosaurio t1_iszg77a wrote

Its weird but foreign people mocking us spanish for taking naps made me cut them out entirely. Such irony that siesta is slowly getting common place along cultures due to climate change. This past summer was so hot that countries that weren't used to such a heat wave started to adopt mid day naps. My point is that climate pays a huge factor aswell.


dmnhntr86 t1_iszwx4w wrote

>Its weird but foreign people mocking us spanish for taking naps

IDK about the rest of the world, but we Americans have been brainwashed into thinking that working to much and sleeping too little is some kind of virtue. I remember hearing about Mediterranean cultures having a big lunch as their main meal and then having a nap because it's the hottest part of the day, then go finish up the day's work when the sun isn't beating down so hard. I thought it made a lot of sense and I wish it was a thing in the southern US.