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dtmc t1_isfq61f wrote

As far as I can throw them =D

EDIT - less tongue in check of an answer: yes, but I recognize that what I remember might not be how it happened, but a lot of times, what matters is how I remember it, if that makes sense. Like a meal with a friend: I don't need to know the specifics, just need to know how it felt, etc., and even if it wasn't how I felt then, it's how I think I felt back then now, and that's cool with me.


PrestigiousClient655 OP t1_isizeom wrote

Yes, I think trusting memory is less depressing. Few hours ago, I just read an article shows that participants tested memory of art gallery event after two years still 93-95% accurate ,The link:

But Elizabeth Loftus shows that it is easily to create false memories in participants

And I read article about HSAM people who can remember every day of life remember memory 97% accuracy

The link:

But evidence shows that sometimes eyewitness memory is not so reliable so actually this seems confuse