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deevulture t1_jcedi7t wrote

Well food would cost more. And if you add other factors - childcare, transportation costs, certain bills - with more people in the household, there's gonna be more utilities used. I was thinking of those factors. But you're right if there's a difference in the grand scheme of things, it likely wouldn't be much. Though in the more easy to see aspects, again food, will go up (also buying diapers while buying school supplies) would give the impression that things are more expensive. Which is a stressor even if not as big of a difference


cronedog t1_jcefdiu wrote

Those things would increase linearly, at worst. Of course three kids cost more than two kids, just not 50% more. I'd posit that for every kid x, the added cost is less than for kid x-1.


SUMBWEDY t1_jcepmq0 wrote

Those would be linear or probably slightly less than linear costs though.

More people in a house eat more food, but you can buy in bulk for savings so cost per person could go down.

Utilities would scale more or less linearly given the area of the house stays the same. Water is iffy it might go up with more people having showers but might go down by doing larger washing loads at a time.

Transportation is interesting though as it's theorized cars having 5 seats caused a tiny effect on families only having 2 children because there's not enough room for 3 baby seats in the back of most cars.