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caribbeachbum t1_j9cw4jc wrote

CCR5∆32 -- if you have this mutation on both sides of your family, you are fully immune; if only one side, you are mostly immune. It's not common, but there is a case of a German man who was cured of AIDS after receiving a bone marrow transplant from someone who was heterozygotic for the mutation.


jourmungandr t1_j9d01h0 wrote

The fifth person cured with a CCR5∆32 bone marrow transplant was announced today. At least it hit my feed today anyway.


fourthwallb t1_j9e0lqp wrote

You are not "fully immune", because HIV has two tropisms. CCR5 and CXCR4. CXCR4 tropic HIV can infect a person with CCR5∆32


Bbrhuft t1_j9ew86u wrote

I see 4.9% of 555 newly diagnosed HIV infections in France between 2003-10, were the CXCR4-tropic variant. And of these, 1.5% were involved in a transmission clusters (one case).

I think it means the CXCR4-tropic variant usually arises/evolves after infection, it's less often involved in transmission?

I think they hypothesize, if I understand the paper correctly, that the CXCR4-tropic variant is less infectious than CCR5 variants.

Frange, P., Meyer, L., Ghosn, J., Deveau, C., Goujard, C., Duvivier, C., Tubiana, R., Rouzioux, C., Chaix, M.L. and ANRS CO6 PRIMO Cohort Study Group, 2013. Prevalence of CXCR 4‐tropic viruses in clustered transmission chains at the time of primary HIV‐1 infection. Clinical Microbiology and Infection, 19(5), pp.E252-E255.


loci_existentiae t1_j9drbf2 wrote

Didn't the double mutation give you immunity to the plague in Europe too? Unfortunately if you survived and your village did not, you were obviously a witch and summarily burned at the stake.

My understanding is that it has negligible side effects other than some good immunities. If you run into a conspiracy type person it's a great rabbit hole to send them down. Mention HIV is probably a conspiracy and an elite group of people are immune to it. =)


Twiggymop t1_j9e2xug wrote

But if you were the only person who survived, and your village did not, who would be around to call you a witch, let alone burn you? Other survivors? Then wouldn’t they be witches too? So you’d all have like a secret understanding? Like a special handshake, or wink of an eye?


loci_existentiae t1_j9e6dh2 wrote

Neighbouring villages. It was never 100% simultaneous saturation. But really, you're applying logic to witch hunters? That seems ineffectual.


Twiggymop t1_j9e6ly4 wrote

But the one who survived, could theoretically get out of it by declaring “they were the chosen one” (with the right tone), and then take over the neighboring village.


armrha t1_j9f2dvo wrote

I can’t find any evidence that anybody was ever burnt at the stake for surviving plague. Where did you get that? It did not have a 100% kill rate either…


Lightning_Lance t1_j9ed34u wrote

Interesting, those conspiracy theorists would be making the exact same mistake as the witch hunters


mkomaha t1_j9ic34v wrote

Ooooh let’s do this gene trick with rabies now, then I’ll be able to sleep better.