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Aardbeienshake t1_j7r3vud wrote

Thanks for this thorough explanation. I had EBV and resulting mono when I was a teen, and had non-hodgkin lymphoma in my twenties. I knew back then that my mono (which was atypically severe) was a contributor, but did not know why. Interesting read!


[deleted] t1_j7rk09j wrote



sciguy52 t1_j7s5i0o wrote

Not more than anyone else for the most part. 80% of the adult population has the EBV virus inside them whether they know it (by having had mono) or not (young people can be asymptomatic. EBV related cancers are more typical for people with immune suppression of some sort like drugs associated with an organ transplant, AIDS, or drugs used to treat autoimmune disease. That is when you see a higher incidence of these EBV associated cancers.


Aardbeienshake t1_j7s92eb wrote

No, don't think so. Many of the people who develop lymphoma have had mono, but not the other way around: the vast majority with mono will not develop any lymphoma.