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pienoceros t1_j7lown6 wrote

People being treated for autoimmune disorders need their immune system suppressed because it's attacking otherwise healthy tissue, organs, systems, etc. They are more susceptible to viral and secondary infection.

Source- I am immune compromised. I receive immunosuppressive infusions regularly.


Burnstryk t1_j7mkc4y wrote

Guess it depends on the autoimmune disease. I have hashimoto's, all I need to take is a hormone replacement tablet in the morning (no immunosuppressants)


pienoceros t1_j7mmdxg wrote

True. If symptoms can be treated to the point of remission w/o immunosuppressive therapy, you won't need it.


Alantsu t1_j7n2f3t wrote

And the fun part is the side effect of the immunosuppressants is cancer. Yay!


Clid3r t1_j7o8070 wrote

Family member with a successful transplant takes them and even tho he healthy as far as that’s concerned, he developed lung cancer because of his meds. He claims it’s normal and treatable, even tho he had a lobectomy.


pandaappleblossom t1_j7ohuyo wrote

yeah I am being treated for an autoimmune condition called atrophic gastritis but all I do is take b12 supplements for it. but it does bring a higher risk of stomach cancer. though supposedly taking b12 can lower the risk of stomach cancer.


Sea_Satisfaction_475 t1_j7n2633 wrote

Me too. But my infusions are chock full of antibodies, though (iviG). So for me, the question still stands.