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AShellfishLover t1_j6c5ary wrote

Your UN and post make me think you are a younger writer or someone who is just starting to write. So forgive me, but I'm not gonna judge your story. Instead, I'm going to say what I needed to hear when I first started writing, and hope it helps you.

There's no such thing as a bad story. A story is a story, it has a beginning, middle, and end, rising and falling action, and comes from your mind.

Don't worry about the audience or marketability. If you continue writing you will write dozens, hundreds, thousands of stories. Some will be for wide release, and some will be for just one person. Sometimes that one person is you and you don't realize it.

But writing is like a tightrope. It requires discipline, and not fearing the rope. If you're about to walk across that rope and you're worrying about how it will come out? You'll get the yips, get discouraged, and fall. Sometimes the fall is short. Sometimes it hurts. And while the fall and getting back up is part of the process, I'd suggest learning closer to the ground.

Try a couple of the following prompts to start:

  • Have a conversation between two people, where one is trying to hide a secret.

  • Go outside to a quiet place and describe the world around you in detail.

  • Write the day in the life of an animal you love.

I used to use a series of these types of short prompts to limber up. Now I limber up by writing here.

If you ever have questions or need somebody to read something you wrote? Tag me or shoot me a message. I'm a bit crippled and may be slow, but I'll listen.

Beyond that, good luck! Your story's got bones. Now you gotta dig and find them.


Rolis2008 OP t1_j6c5ink wrote

Ight thanks i needed to hear this


AShellfishLover t1_j6c5oov wrote

We all gotta start somewhere. And a lot of times? You're gonna find something big you wanna write and then find it's small or vice versa.

Write stories about stuff that has happened in your life. Write little fables. Write just to write, and come back to the big ones. It's like leveling in a video game: you're at level 1, bash a couple of rats and upgrade your equipment, the boss will still be there when you're ready.