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DistillerCMac t1_j55t2h8 wrote

“I have passed your trials, I have defeated your underlings and now…. I am here for YOU!!!!!” the bright haired, self-styled ‘hero’ screamed into the void. He was broken, I could see it, feel it. I knew it like I know all things.

He stood there, leaning on that stupid sword he had convinced himself would be my downfall. He was breathing heavily and losing blood at an astounding rate. He was nothing more than an annoying coddled child that had been foisted onto this path by progenitors that were unwilling to parent. Through his life he had never been told no. He had been finely crafted and molded to think that he was the center of his own story, and that everything and everyone else around him was secondary to his eventual ascent to godhood, or something that he imaged was godhood.

It was almost enough to make me feel bad – if not for how totally insufferable he was. When his first friend died he lamented; he cried, he gnashed teeth, and he swore revenge. When the twentieth died he offered prayers in a sacred grove. When the seventieth died he didn’t so much as stop to remember their existence.

“I have sacrificed everything to bring you down and halt your evil ways.” He continued to scream at the wall of blackness before him. The part he wasn’t saying out loud was ‘and take your place because it is my due.’ Like he was owed something. People starved because of him. They fought and died. They were convinced from his delusions because he was rich and powerful. How could one become so rich and so powerful if not for having a stellar character and work ethic. He was obviously better and smarter than those around them.

Of course, they always failed to take into account his astronomically rich parents. The connections and bribes and all of the other things that go along with hoarding wealth for generations. Greed is one of those evils that I wish I could go back and erase. But alas, free will and all that.

“Why do you hide from me. YOU FEAR ME! YOU KNOW I WILL DESTROY YOU!!!!!” More yelling, great. I suppose it is time for me to make my grand entrance and finally put an end to this farce.

I walked out of the void striking a rather regal visage. I took the appearance of an old man in a robe because that is what they deemed I should look like. I towered over the child, even with a slight bend to my back from ‘age’. Go away child. There is naught here for you but death.

He began to laugh. To actually laugh at me – the beginning and the end. The creator of all things. “You do not frighten me old man. It is you who should be scared.” As he finished his hackneyed overtures, he charged at me with sword raised over his head and a blood curdling roar to boot.

He had moxie at least. So convinced of his own delusions he was willing to charge at me with his toy and think he had a chance of winning.

I snapped my fingers. His legs blew off and his upper body flopped to the floor with a wet meaty thump like a fish hitting the cutting board before gutting and scaling.

He screamed. Of course. But I could tell it was more than just the pain. I could feel the petulance rising inside him. I could see the walls being thrown up in his own mind to block out the powerlessness he was feeling. Already a new narrative was being written in his mind about how he could over come this, prosper from it.

“Yield. Yield. I YIELD” he screamed, like that was some kind of magic word that held power over me. “Have… have I not proven my self to you. My worth. I…. I can do so much for you if you just let me live. I will become your greatest prophet.”

I rolled my eyes; something I couldn’t normally do as I so rarely took a physical form anymore. It felt good. I raised my hand, his body following suit. His broken, legless frame suspended in mid air in front of me. Tears streaked down his eyes from pain. I would have expected shame mixed in those tears but felt none from inside. Still his mind moved and plotted. Placing him at the center of this story.

I warned you. I warned you over and over again of the consequences of your actions.

Each one of these trials you faced wasn’t to prove you had enough to strike me down. Each one of these trials was to try and stop you. To try to show you that you had deluded yourself into this fantasy world you placed yourself in the center of. Each time I asked you to sacrifice something I thought you would say no. You SHOULD have said no. Countless others HAVE said no. Not you though.

But… there is no one to blame but myself. I gave you free will, so I cannot see what you will do, I can only extrapolate probabilities and guess at the outcomes. I can only see what you MIGHT do.

I put trials and tribulations in front of you to try and make you see. Instead, all they did was further fortify your own insanity.

For that I am sorry. I have failed you and countless others that have suffered because of you.

“I…. I don’t understand.”

I know.

I snapped my fingers a second time and his body disintegrated into dust. I lowered my hand and the cloud blew away as if in the wind.

And so I can give you naught but death.


CeratiEsUnFurro t1_j57pv29 wrote

I love this breakdown of the chosen one narrative. Did I catch a hint of shade at the real-life millennials and gen Z people that grew up on this trope and think that they too must be The Chosen One? Exquisite. The villain was easily better than half the ones you see out there. Really truly fantastic.


Nahsungminy t1_j59czwb wrote

Lol acting like every generation didn’t have people like this. There’s just more technology now to showcase the selfishness of people. But okay 👌


HSerrata t1_j56b8wr wrote

[God's Design]

"They're just kids...," Regis, the Divine Emperor was surprised when three teenagers wandered into his throne room. "...and only one of them is a boy," he mumbled to himself as he sat up straighter to intimidate them. The boy had bright blue, almost white hair pulled back in a ponytail and he wore dark blue plate armor. The girl to his right had short dark hair framing her pale face and she wore dark red leather armor with a white quiver on her back and a white bow at the ready. The girl to the boy's left was the strangest by far. She had spiky, bright orange hair and her face was covered with white makeup. She wore a black and orange outfit that reminded Regis more of a court jester than an adventurer.

"It's fine," the boy said as he looked to his right. "I'm sure your mom has a reason for leaving Riot and me out of the match," he said.

"Yeah, you don't need to keep apologizing," the girl with white makeup added. "I wouldn't want to be on Spider's team anyway," she said. The three of them were so distracted with their conversation they apparently didn't notice they were in Regis' presence. He decided to remind them he was there.

"You are in the presence of a god!" his booming voice echoed around the room. The three teens stopped walking and looked at Regis. He rose from his throne and the boy drew a nearly transparent, icy sword from his sheath. The ranger nocked an arrow and the other girl readied her own weapon; though, Regis did not understand what it was. It had the same basic shape as a sword; but, it was rounded and bulging and made from a bright orange material. The 'blade' part looked like an orange sausage with two small yellow corn-cob-like bulbs forming the cross-guard. Regis couldn't help but notice the faint squeak when she readied it. It was obviously a toy, which meant this poor group of innocents did not know what they were up against.

"Why have you children come here?" Regis asked as he stepped closer to his challengers.

"It's just nice to spend time together," the boy answered with a chuckle. Both girls giggled at his comment, but it only confused Regis. He was a god and did not enjoy the feeling that they were mocking him.

"I see you children have yet to learn any manners," Regis said. "Allow me to teach you," he snapped his fingers. A plume of dark smoke revealed six skeleton guards between Regis and the teens. They were armed with swords and shields and wore heavy plate armor. He could have summoned five times as many; but, he only wanted to frighten them. He did not expect them to move so fast.

The boy charged forward with his icy sword and the orange-haired girl followed with her own 'weapon'. Meanwhile, the ranger raised her bow and took aim at Regis.

"Defend me!" Regis instructed his soldiers. He was still concerned about them, although he wondered if maybe he was the one underestimating them. The skeletons braced their shields as the boy lunged forward and sliced with his sword. Regis felt a blast of cold air at the same moment he heard a loud, disembodied voice fill the room.

[Glacial Smite] the first skeleton exploded into pieces of bone and armor and went flying. The two skeletons closest to it were frozen solid and unable to move.

"What?" Regis was surprised by how powerful they were; but, he still had more surprises on the way. The orange-haired girl attacked the group of skeletons from the other side.

[Mimic Sword] the voice filled the air again. She swiped with her ridiculous weapon. The skeleton she aimed for exploded as another wave of frigid air washed past Regis. It left the last two skeletons trapped in ice.

"What??" Regis panicked. They were more powerful than any kids had a right to be. They weren't ordinary and he now knew he could use his full power on them. But, as he had that realization, he briefly forgot about the third member of their team. He looked up in time to see her release her arrow.

[Shadow Point] the voice said. Regis summoned another army of skeletons as he kept focused on the arrow. But, it vanished after flying forward for a moment. He felt something pass through him and yet felt no pain.

"Enough!" He yelled. "I AM A GO-," he took a step forward to approach his intruders; but, he couldn't complete the action. He found himself unable to move even a single step. A sudden insight caused him to whirl around to check behind him. A single arrow shaft was sticking out of his shadow.

"You know...," the ranger said. The close voice startled Regis enough to turn around. The ranger stood next to him with a smile on her face. His second wave of skeleton soldiers was already defeated as the other two surrounded him. The boy with blue hair readied his sword as he stared Regis in the eyes. "...even an NPC god is still just an NPC," the ranger grinned.

"Wh..what?" Regis stuttered. He was afraid for the first, and only time in his life. His only answer was a deep voice filling the room.

[Glacial Smite]


Thank you for reading! I’m responding to prompts every day. This is story #1830 in a row. (Story #020 in year six.). This story is part of an ongoing saga that takes place at a high school in my universe. It began on August 22nd and I will be adding to it with prompts every day until May 26th. They are all collected in order at this link.


anotheranonymoustor t1_j58ak10 wrote

The strange boy readied himself his lime green hair falling into his face as yveal sat upon his throne looking down at the boy "What is it you have traveled here for" he asked his voice causing the room to shake the boy says "I have come to kill you" he stated his face confident his soul lacking a single trace of fear or doubt "You kill me hm yeah right" yveal responded the boy lowered himself into a fighting stance with a glare so fierce it had yveal pondering how a mortal could seem so threatening "boy I have been around since before the heavens and you think you can kill ME" the boy smirked before smugly replying "yeah pretty much" yveal glared at the boy his eyes an endless void with golden specks floating around each a universe of its own thinking to himself a simple small demonstration of his power would be more than enough to scare him off so yveal pointed up drawing the boys attention to the sky as yveal made the dark evening explode with light as every star in the night sky explodes into a light so brilliant its as if a million sun's were shining down on earth the boy looks back at yveal "cool trick" yveal was taken aback was this kid stupid or suicidal he wondered he began to speak "boy leave now or d-" the boy moving so fast yveal can hardly keep up yveal attempts to catch the boys hand only for his own to be driven back until he was forced to release his grasp "wha-" the boy intterupts "I have come to kill you" yveal staring upon the boy shocked asks one simple question "who are you" the boy says "I am taipulpai the creator of the heavens and you have reined for too long".


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The_water_eater t1_j58npoc wrote

the thesis of creation

after all that I built a they came the four one of them was Amanda or "marlin "who was was in a robe of sliver that can withstand and absorb the magic of a hundred mages and she has a more than average magical ability could make a explosion the size of a mountain and Burkly or "Logan" who was a knight who could maybe make a cut on me with that sword and now here is my shadow who is named "sly" who was very lanky and quick and he had eyes of a demon and had a foresight like ability and the leader or "Melfin " who had a giant sword even I dont understand how he is able to hold and they all had colored hair and these are the best that have come here so far.

I snap and I do the whole song and dance "so you are finally here what makes you think that out of all the others YOU will be able to beat a GOD" then the leader melfin said "Wh- whait OTHERS!?" then I snapped and showed a representation of the world before "you think you are the only ones I made " and I saw them getting more afraid as reality set in "I used to be like you but let me guess you are going to fight me so you can get my power so you can "save mankind" so so naïve I used to think that but as I put into godlihood but as I tried and tried and nope I soon learned that evil is just a part of humanity its hard coded in there genes so I erased it so I could "start over" but as that happened I saw thousands if not millions other universes and I tried to "fix" them to but then the original universes humans would end up the same not even their fault It is a matter of survival that just "gets out of control" then marlin yells "So what are just supposed to lay down and cry to ourselves and even if that is true what the hell does that have to do with us " then after that I changed the setting to the battle field that led me to godlihood "I was with a band of people who wanted to take the power of god too and when the going was getting tough the god we where fighting told me that all I had to do was accept and I would become a god but all by myself so I refused the first time them and he would give me his power and then he would just killing us and rewinding time to kill us some more and after that and he would still pester me and after a day of the same thing I folded and after that I felt like I betrayed them they even cursed me as their last words so I made you the ones that had at least the same spirit to try to kill me " and after that he stand up and (INSERT SHONEN FIGHT HERE I AM TOO LAZY TO DO IT MYSELF) and after the battle they where tired and they almost destroyed my "weak spot" that was on my forehead and I yelled "SO WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO ARE YOU GONNA MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE I DID HUH WHAT ARE GONNA DO THE BEST CHANCE YOU HAVE IS TO DESTROY HUNANITY " then Sly jumped up dodging my beams and stabs my "weak spot" Then he says " We will destroy you and make sure that humanity will change! " so foolish and after that I "die" and after I callaps the room we where in I closed that world off from me so at least they had the allusion that there where no more gods so now to thousand more hero's

hope you enjoy

this may be bad and you can definitely see where I copied xenoblade chronicles 2 and please tell me what I messed up.