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Extension-Row6502 t1_j6gqmsa wrote

 The small child held the lamp in his tiny hands. There was a speck of dirt on the heavy, golden object which made the child sad. No precious treasure should be dirty. Using his sleeve, the 7 year old wiped the dirt off, gasping at the faint glow that surrounded his newfound prize. 
 Suddenly, a strong gust of wind knocked the lamp out of the child's hands, and an eruption of pink smoke manifested into the shape of a man. "Who dare summon the great and powerf-" the genie was cut off at the sight of the pitiful and filthy creature trembling before him. He couldn't believe it. Of all his rotten luck, he had to get stuck with such an abhorrent beast such as this.
 "My name is Namantuck, I didn't know this was your home. I'm sorry for disturbing you." The small child spoke,  his voice quivering. The genie was baffled. How dare this creature speak to him.
 "I do not care who you are." The genie growled out, "get your three wishes over so I can return to my home."
 "Well what should I wish for?" The child asked, genuine curiosity lacing his words.
 "How should I know? What do you want more than anything?" The genie asked, expecting some foolish answer.
 "My parnts." Namantuck replied. He didn't say anything else. He didn't have to, the genie could see the pain in the small boys face. 
 Now many people might assume that because the genie is immortal an all powerful, that he doesn't have feelings. That is a wild misconception. As a matter of fact, his heart was breaking this very minute for the child who has grown up with nothing. He made a decision then, he would stay by this child's side, and take care of him for the rest of his days.