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Carrieka23 t1_j4nf0m1 wrote

I'm in Love with my Childhood Friend?!

WPC: 675


I could remember this day like yesterday. A poor little sad me, playing with a broken airplane that a couple of no lives decided to break. I was known as the sunshine kid, but they manage to darken it. I wouldn't mind the teasing and picking, but they went too far.

"Boom...boom..." I sadly put the airplane down on the grass, tears falling on the small roof.

"Umm, are you sad?" A voice causes me to look up. It was the same boy around my age, wearing the same summer shorts style I'm wearing. He reaches under his pocket and gives me a brand-new airplane.

My eyes quickly widened as I grab the airplane, hugging it tightly. "T-Thank you!" I said, looking at them.

"You're welcome. I'm Thomas!"

"Henry! Would you like to play with me?"

Their quickly nodded, sitting right next to me.

Since then, we both became best friends. We both knew at some point, it had to come to an end. Not our friendship though, but our little kiddy fun.

"You really have grown over the past couple of years, Thomas," I joked.

"You really think so? Be honest, how old do I look?" He asks, revealing his business suit he picked out. It was a normal black and white business suit, but he made sure to iron it extra good the day before.

"Age 20," I joked.

"I'm not talking about age here! Come on, man" He sighs. "Plus, we both promise to work together, so I'm doing this for you"

"Alright alright" I chuckle. "You look very handsome"

Thomas cheeks instantly turn rose red as he looks away, trying to hide his embarrassment.

"Thanks. I hope I get the job soon,"

"You will! Our boss is very nice" I grinned, wrapping my arms around him. "Now, I want to see that smile again. I miss it"

Thomas turns to me, their smile shore brightly, it made my heart flusher.

Both me and Thomas realize we have feelings for each other, but we both are guys. We did say if we continue having those feelings once we reach adulthood, we'd start going out. Obviously, we still have those feelings. It's now just the matter of who's going to confess first.

"Well, we're here!" I said, pointing to the huge building.

"It's huge" Thomas said, trying his best to control the anxious feeling.

"Hey, it's okay to be nervous," I said, gently holding his hand. "Just take deep breaths, walk in there, and demine an interview!" I joked. "But of course, I'm jo-"

Before I could finish though, Thomas immediately walks to the building.

"Wait, Thomas!" I shouted, running inside.

"Yay, I got the job!" Thomas shouted, jumping up and down excitedly.

"Yeah, and you almost did the joke," I sigh, leaning back against my chair. "Well, you know what you doing right?"

Thomas nodded. "But, why a call-center?"

"Well, for now it's the best job I could deal with. Later on though, I do want to become something more serious. Like a nurse".

"I'm sure you'll get the money someday, Kev," He grinned stroking my hair.

My face slowly begins to feel warm as I lean against his touch.

"Sorry, I shouldn't do it at work" He quickly pulls his hand away, hiding his red face.

A chuckle escapes my lips. I want to tease him so bad, but I don't want to break my professional.

"You know, I couldn't help but reflect".

"Hm? On what?"

"When we were kids. We would always play around and have fun. Now, we both are adults, and we have to take life very serious".

That is something both me and Thomas reflected on heavy. Life was fun, but slowly, it became more stressful and even unfair to us. What's even more unfair, is that we both like each other, but can't say it.

"Hey, Thomas. How about we both go to dinner after work today," I said, hiding my red face. Even though life is unfair, I decided to take the first step.



Cody_Fox23 OP t1_j504982 wrote

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