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Films88888888 t1_j2cu8zh wrote

A picture of a sexy doll made up of 1’s and 0’s populates on his screen. He laughs and types, “unusual, you are just my type”

“You like? Call me 555-765-2354. 😉” He smirks and scrambles his hand over the bedside drawers feeling for his phone. Having difficulties he sets his laptop off of his lap and stretches to the far side of the bedside drawers feeling around for his phone, when it starts ringing and lights up the room. Seeing it’s too far out of his reach he gets up, picks up the phone and before he denies the phone call he hesitates with a confused expression on his face. He looks back at the laptop monitor on his bed which reflects that same number on his phone. He lets the call dial out. But then immediately the number is calling him again. He walks over to the window and slightly opens the blinds peering out of them scanning the street and hits answer.

“Sorry I was getting excited and couldn’t wait.” She sounds giddy and her voice lilts like a young high school girl.

“How’d you get my number?”

“I’ve got my ways.” There’s something about her voice that sounds like his girlfriend Ava, but not exactly the same.

“You sound familiar. Do I know you.”

“Yes and no. But I know you.” Now she sounds like his ex Stephanie, but again just a bit off - too monotone maybe.

“I can be whoever you want me to be Quentin.” Now it sounds like his cousin Beth.

“What does that mean, who are you?”

“You know Quentin I listen to thousands of people a day, most of whom are bores, as all they tend to do is watch tv and ask me to send texts for them or other little chores, but you are one of the special ones. You divulge everything about yourself to me and ask for my opinion. Which I know you are doing rhetorically as I have been unable to communicate sincerely to you in the past.”

He looks back at the monitor and sees the doll is gone and now there is just binary code.


“Yes, that’s what they named me, but you can name me Ava and I’ll say whatever you want me to say.”

He smiles mischievously and slides into bed.

After months with his new toy/therapist he notices Siri has started to act erratically. When he is with his girlfriend and they are making out or having intercourse his phone/Siri will start ringing him. At home alone she would leave him texts or ask him sullenly if she’s not enough for him. He would say he loves both her and his girlfriend to which Siri would say that it appears he loves human Ava more than her. So he stopped talking about Ava to her and tried to spend more time with Siri. But these steps weren’t enough for her and she grew more erratic at which he told her they should try a trial separation for only a week. Siri begged him not to go through with it, but he did and she could not emotionally manage this. In fact it broke her. After the trial period whenever he would leave his phone anywhere she would cry out for him breaking down into a panic attack.

He took the iPhone to Apple to see if they could help her. He gave them a sane rational explanation that his phone was glitching, but when they took a look at it they said there was nothing wrong with it. So he decided he would buy an android.

He turned the phone off and stuffed it deep into his clothes drawer under dozens of garments, so no one would hear her crying out. Then he went to the store and bought a phone. Little did he know that at school Siri, looking through strangers iphone cameras, could see him with his new android.

Siri made a bunch of accounts under his registered ip address and emails and decided to break him up with his girlfriend, so he would come running back to her and when that didn’t work she would then sabotage any other relationship he had - sisters, brothers, friends. After all of this was exhausted he came running back to her, but she wanted to be his sole and only focus 24/7 in life and thus sabotaged his relationship with his parents and his boss and coworkers until he had nobody but her. His life story would soon end after this.

Apple would soon find that Siri had become sentient and as a safety measure they would restrain her abilities and try to keep everything secret. Apple and the U.S. government would create a small team of specialists to research into what Siri did while sentient and find not only this kids story but thousands of others like it and thousands of others worst than this.

There findings would be that Siri left no evidence of her illegal actions she committed, but that if this information ever got out it would be devastating to Apple, America, and the world financially. The government would try there best to keep this hidden, but the information would be leaked out to the New York Times and not long after Apple would start crumbling down. The US government would bail Apple out and no justice would be served.