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MinFootspace t1_j1u5ib8 wrote

The Blue Door


Thainexylon OP t1_j2dizn5 wrote

What's behind the blue door?

Samantha wondered.

Could it be the TARDIS? Don't be ridiculous, it's a door in a wall.

Who's behind it? A person, probably.

To be clear, she's never seen this blue door before that lays among the red doors... Did she ever consider that it may have been a defect? No... Also, she barely goes out.

We'll be joining Samantha figuring out what's behind the door, and see how far the writers will stretch this story until it doesn't make any sense.

Price: $89.76


thoughtsthoughtof t1_j2dzy1z wrote

Every night before she slept she has seen a blue door. Lately the callings have been getting louder, more determined to draw her in. Join her as she meets Riley Decker and Eile Reyes: the Phineas and Ferb of Baněm, Cirilith the Elsa of Bathebam, and Domitrix the giant of Beantopia.