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Inverse-Potato t1_j2dhohh wrote

Great story! It seems like there's a reason behind the ball choice here because many of them wouldn't be the typical ball used. Can I ask the reasoning? It seems like an interesting extra tidbit of lore!


GrimChariot t1_j2eb8m6 wrote

In this instance, I chose the Beast Ball for Golisopod for two reasons, the first being the ball itself being an Alolan exclusive for all intents.

And second, Wimpod has a cowardly personality, and it retains that ability to retreat when evolved. I, and by extension Alexander as well, see that as Golisopod being cunning, quick witted, and all to well aware that brute force does not guarantee a victory. And so it is a Beast, a hunter and a warrior with no qualms of honor-only survival.

For Scissor, the Heavy ball used when they were but a Scyther show's Alexanders' research-knowing the light footed mantis would become an iron plated hammer when given the right tools.

And to show that Alexander see's them as the anchor of the team, durable, resilient.

Scolipede isn't seen as a prestiges mon, a brute and even in the anime highly aggressive with a little provocation.

But Venipede and Whirlipede both have a more skittish, almost mischevious nature, like a child not yet taught manners.

The Luxury ball brings to mind a spoiled sort, which combined with Scolipede's aggression and often defensive prowess becomes a sort of Noblesse Oblige-Galahad is named as a knight because in many ways they are, in the way they carry themselves and the weight they throw around by pedigree.

Armaldo being a shrimp lends itself to the Net ball-as does the fact that being an extinct species means that Gillian is by and large alien to world, out of time and place. Caught from the void and brought back to life like a fish from darkest depths dragged to the surface.

Alexander cares for Gillian, but he's also well aware of how Gillian shouldn't be, and is by a moment of weakness-to have such a creature by his side as he'd dreamed of as a child, only for regret to tinge their partnership.

The Friend Ball signifies both the loyalty of a Volcarona raised from egg to fiery marvel, and the aid Volcarona and Larvest both give to a breeder-warming and tending eggs while shielding them from any threat, and the trust that builds between them in the protection of those unborn.

Valkyrie is a special case-originally given to Alexander as an egg, and the ball given for when she hatched chosen by another.

Alexander isn't one to say who, but a Master Ball is no small trinket, rarely used and even rarer to find in a civilian's hands.

Valkyrie is special, not by stats, pedigree or even skill, but as the first Pokemon to be at Alexander's side, and one that had stayed through thick and thin.

Alexander didn't choose the ball himself, but as with all things, they've chosen to take it as a chance to be a master of their own fate, and to trust their friend as completely as the Master Ball can catch anything.

A little shallow, a little deep, but with the care and flourish of one that cares for the ones at their side should be.