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WraithWrightWriting t1_j18copw wrote

That's interesting that you have them all in the same universe. Does that end up restricting what prompts you respond to?

>Which I'm actually considering now, thanks, haha..

Sorry about that lol Hope you enjoy it if you decide to though


aDittyaDay t1_j18e7br wrote

Not always, depends on my mood. I had first started writing on reddit on an alt account a few years ago just to get myself writing again, and I had decided to make all my reddit prompts canon to each other long after I had started them, so they were already pretty broad in spectrum. The lore of my main story mostly explains how that's possible, so I don't stress about it too much. So basically I answer a prompt as I feel like it, and I find a way to make it fit afterwards. A few oddball prompt responses don't quite fit, but most do, so meh

And it's all good, just gives me an excuse to write more haha!


WraithWrightWriting t1_j18nkku wrote

That's pretty how much this account started, it's the alt account for writing. I wanted a pseudonym for my writing when I started returning to it. I haven't really considered making all of my projects connected but there's certainly a way to since they don't have to be the same planet/world to be the same universe. I've also had a concept for a while to have at least one character in the background that connects them, like the G-man in Half Life. Not really original but could be fun

Always good to have more reasons to write. I'm working on getting back to it after a while