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undeniablyavika t1_j2effkw wrote

I pushed my thick, curly bangs out of the way as I tied my long, mouse brown hair into a braid. A quick look in the mirror told me “good enough.” On such a painfully average day, nothing could happen, right? Well, incorrect! My name is Yuna, and I’m an apprentice to the greatest wizard in the land. I’m learning how to be a wizard. Because my family is quite well known, I’m able to get these kinds of opportunities. I’m extremely grateful for that. Anyway, back to the present! I arrived at the cottage, and closed the door. My master would always yell at me to close the door after I entered. “Mr. Canmore?” I called out. No reply. “Mr. Canmore?!” I called again, this time, louder. “Horus?!” he’d always hated when I’d use his first name. Still no reply. “He may be in his study” I thought. But the problem is, I’m not allowed in there. I always wondered why. Was there something he was hiding? But I couldn’t contain my curiosity today. He wasn’t here, after all. But if he was in his study, I’d be screwed. I decided to take the risk. As I opened the door, something hard fell and hit my head, and I fell to the ground. “Ouch!” I exclaimed. Looking at the object, I realized that it was a book. A hard cover book? Why was a book falling from the sky? I was still pissed about the fact that a flying book hit me on the head, but I opened it anyway. I soon started to regret it afterward. What if it was a test by Mr. Canmore? What if he used a spell to make it fly towards me to see if I was loyal enough to not go into the study? My mind spun with thoughts. But I was curious. And he was old. “He’ll forget in no time” I thought. I opened the book. It seemed to be old, with beat up pages and barely legible words. Words in…Latin? Latin isn’t spoken anymore. Luckily, I knew Latin. I looked through it and realized it was a spell book. I noticed a spell that caught my eye. I couldn’t tell what it was supposed to be. Out of curiosity, I recited the spell. It was one phrase, repeated three times. “He will come back.” Suddenly, a large creature appeared. It growled at me, and I noticed it had sharp teeth. REALLY sharp teeth. I jumped back in fright, stumbling to the exit. I tripped over a table, and fell on the hard floor. I tried to get up, but the creature was strong. It loomed over me. It was tall and large! I backed away in a desperate attempt to live. But it sat up, as if it…recognized me? “Yuna Deamonne” it said, in a deep, firm voice. I gasped. It could talk? It seemed more…animal like. I was confused on why it was here, until I realized that the spell I cast summoned it. THAT’S what it meant by “He will return.” Looking back, that should’ve been obvious. “Master Deamonne.” Deamonne? That isn’t my last name. “You have brought me back. As repayment, I shall punish who has wronged you.”