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PolarisStorm OP t1_iy7930d wrote

You took it all away from me, you know.

All I had ever wanted was to live among humans. The goddess life was never for me, though perhaps that is my personal bias. Even before I met you, I dreamed of nothing but escaping the cage that Okais trapped me in. I could see nothing but the black and inky void surrounding it, but I could hear the humans.

I listened to their voices as they tampered with what were once relics and gifts I bestowed to my followers, objects of eldritch power that they could not fully understand. My relics, which once gave me my powers, were now in the unworthy hands of the children of Okais.

But you… You gave me hope. You gathered all of my relics and summoned me. Your tongue whispered my very name, a name not used for eons! And just like that, the bars of my prison melted away into the void, and I was placed into the world of humans. I shapeshifted myself into a humanoid form, and I got a taste of freedom- a new life, not as a god, but as a human.

And then you betrayed me. It had only been months, and I had just gotten used to my new life and identity. I paid to you my debts for freeing me with service. I did so much for you! So tell me, Ken, why you outed me? “That is Panilies!” you screamed to the town, “The very being of blinding light and evil!” How could you, how dare you! I never asked to be the goddess of light! I never asked to be rescued by you!

So, you turned me into a laughing stock. Many didn’t believe you, but those who did turned their backs on me… Except for a select few. They are not laughing. No, no! They are worshipping me. They stole the sacred relics back from you, and we are now in the process of rewriting what was once my holy texts.

Bit by bit, we are rebuilding what I once had. And when the new moon sets, Panilies will be a name remembered and feared again.

I will once more rival the shadow father Okais.