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wannawritesometimes t1_iw7k2zs wrote


Amelia's palms slickened as she stared. Instead of a nose, it had a gaping hole in the center of its face. Its eyes glowed yellow.

Swallowing hard, she searched for the call button. She pressed it over and over as the creature moved closer, but the cursed device stayed sealed. Then, the not-Todd opened its cavernous mouth with its rows of fangs. Amelia screamed.

The woman bolted toward the nearest door. Miraculously, it opened. She flung herself through. Amelia slammed the door, squeezed her eyes shut, and fought for breath.

Silence broken by a growl, Amelia's eyes shot open as she spun around. She was back in the hallway, on the opposite end. Now, the creature stood between her and the elevator. The contraption mocked her with its now-open doors.

The monster sprang. Amelia yanked on the door she'd come through, but it didn't budge. Heart in her throat, she hurled herself through a different door. Again, she was in the same passageway with the creature blocking the elevator.

It charged. Amelia clenched her fists, set her jaw, and flew headlong toward her attacker. Slamming into its shoulder, she went tumbling. The creature's claws snagged her shirt. Amelia leapt up and swung her fist in a wide arc. A pair of claws grazed Amelia's forearm, but as her fist connected with flesh, the thing lurched backwards. Sprinting away, she dove into the elevator and its doors sealed behind her.

Moments later, the front of the elevator opened and the woman stepped into the lobby. As the events faded like she'd awoken from a nightmare, Amelia squinted curiously at the two bloody streaks that marked her forearm. She shivered. Despite the sudden amnesia, she knew she'd never step foot in that elevator again.