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Dependent_Cow_8946 t1_iydjx0l wrote

"Your writing skill's getting better! We could move on to future tense after this." Aaron said, handing the marked paper towards the brown haired girl in front of him. Anne's blue eyes shone with glee, very much pleased with herself.

"Thank you, Mr. Aaron." She took the paper and swiftly put it inside the purple binder filled with papers, marked 'English' on the outside.

Anne have been struggling a lot with English especially since she was an exchange, to see that she could write tangible sentences is a great achievement in Aaron's eyes.

"Are your parents here yet? It's getting kinda late." Aaron asked, as they both started walking out of the classroom, Aaron locking the classroom, while his head still turned towards the shorter girl.

"Should be, but I'm fine walking." She answered, scrolling through her phone. Aaron only nodded as he looked out the window, to see a car parked right outside the gate.

"Oh, they're here!" Anne exclaimed, swiftly walking towards the gate. Aaron followed close behind. As a teacher, it is his responsibility to make sure his students go home safe.

"Uncle Shamil!" Wait.

No way.

Aaron's amber eyes widen, yet he tried to remain calm and put on a friendly expression. The same expression he always put on when meeting with Billy's very demanding mother.

Out of all the meeting the parents experiences he had, this one definitely takes the cake.

The man with black hair and grey eyes was leaning on the car, scrolling through his phone. His appearance isn't one that would scream 'single dad waiting for daughter', instead looks more like 'just escaped prison brother' with the leather jacket and dark grey t-shirt.

"Uncle Shamil!" Anne practically leaped towards the man, Shamil, apparently, lifted up his head and gifted Maria a warm smile and returned her hug. He looked up to see Aaron, and Aaron wanted to die. Shamil's eyes narrowed, his smile's wider.

He knows.

"This is my English teacher, Mr. Aaron. He's been teaching me a lot of things! He's the best!"

"I'm really not..." Aaron's cheeks flushed at the statement.

"So, I've heard. Say, Annie, why don't you go wait in the car? Blast out that Avril Lavigne album you like. I need to talk to Mr. Aaron for a bit." His silky smooth yet deep voice made Aaron more nervous than he was. That same voice that taunted him with a bomb planted under the bank last week.

Anne nodded excitedly and skipped into the car, shutting the door and turned to the radio. Aaron only smiled at her, before turning sour as he turned towards the other man.



"Solar. Fancy seeing you here."

"Didn't take you as a single dad."

"Bold of you to assume I'm single."

"Oh, so you kidnapped her mother too?" Aaron crossed his arms. Shamil pursued his lips, feigning a sad expression, clutching his chest dramatically. Aaron rolled his eyes.

"You really think I'd stoop that low? I'm wounded, Lightball."

"Don't call me that." The blonde hero greeted his teeth. Phantom had a habit of nicknaming people around him, apparently it 'strengthen their bonds as enemies' or whatever it is he said.

"Well, if you want to be even, didn't think you'd be a teacher. An elementary teacher at that." Shamil jabbed at the blonde, putting his arm around Aaron's shoulder.

"It's none of your business." Aaron pushed away Shamil's arm. If Shamil flinched, he didn't see it. He half expected to see the man gives him the sad frown paired with puppy dog eyes, but surprisingly he seemed to smile wider.

Aaron does not like that smile.

"Does she know?" Aaron glared at him, Anne is a smart and kind girl, her "uncle's" shenanigans shouldn't be something she worries about.

"No. I would never, Sol." There he is with the nickname, Aaron thought. But he kept quiet, letting the usually mysterious shadow wielder talk about himself.

"She's my light in the darkness. My heart and my soul. You can prosecute me all you want, but leave my Annie out of it."

"You took a lot of lives, Phantom. I'm not sure you having a daughter justifies anything."

"No, it does not. I'm not justifying it, those people deserved it. But, I trust that you, our face of the justice, bringer of light, Solar would be sensible and righteous enough to not use her in our rivalry."

Aaron was speechless.

He always had jab to fire back at the black-haired villain usually dressed in some formal attire with the Phantom of the Opera mask covering his face. Yet, nothing comes out. Maybe it's because it's the first he'd heard Phantom talk about himself and how he feels. Maybe because it's the first time Phantom confessed his feelings about anything. Maybe because it's the first time he sees Phantom as a human.

A person going through their lives, trying their best with the twists and turns, holding on to anything they have.

As for Shamil, it's Anne, apparently. His anchor and moral compass.

"Tongue-tied now are you, Lightball?" Aaron snapped out of his trance.

"Annie is a good kid. You're lucky, Mr. Shamil."

"I hope she doesn't give you too much trouble."

Aaron only nodded.

Shamil turned back towards his car.

"Shamil." Aaron called out. Shamil turned.

" You have my word." He smiled.