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Crystal1501 t1_iy937xj wrote

"DAAAAAAAAAAD!" Ian runs up excitedly to his father, who gives his hair a good ruffle.

"Hey, kiddo! It's good to see you!" the dad says, smiling warmly.

Ian lets go of his father. "We gonna play games? Watch films? I miss you!"

"I miss you a lot too, ya rascal. Now, wait inside the car, I need to talk to Mrs. Leaves. I won't be long." The father opens the door for Ian, and when he's in shuts it. He looks at me and walks over. "Hey, Airlight" he says. "Didn't realise you were teaching my son. Does he give you trouble?"

"He's such a sweetheart actually. How did he come from YOU, Darkshade?" I smirk, and he chuckles.

"Yeah, I guess I don't leave you with a great impression." His face falls.

I soften my look. Something is clearly going on. "Does Ian know? Your wife?"

Darkshade glares at me. "Maria's gone. Remember when I was silent for a few years? That was thanks to her. She made me better. When she was killed, however... I don't know, I snapped. Ian was only three months old. I didn't know what to do. Happy now?"

I shake my head. "Not in the slightest. So with just you raising Ian..."

"I know what you're thinking. My day job and nightly crime sprees keep me so busy my neighbour watches Ian constantly. I tell her it's because I have a 'night job'." He looks away.

I raise an eyebrow. "Night job, huh? You're a murderer."

"I know" Darkshade growls. "My former buddies told me they'd pay well, and they do."

It all clicks in that one moment. "You're a grieving man raising a child by yourself who used to be a villain. You're broken."

In that moment, Darkshade collapses. "When I met her, I told myself I'd NEVER go back to my old life. She knew EVERYTHING about me, yet CHOSE to be with me! What would she think of me?"

"Why didn't you tell me anything?" I ask gently.

"I was afraid, but more than that, I didn't want you to know I was dead. I'm basically nothing now..." He stares at the ground, tears streaming down his face.

A little hand touches his shoulder. "Dad? Why are you crying?"

I blink. I have no clue what to do... I have to fulfil my duty to the citizens... but I can't tear apart an already broken family...

An idea forms in my head. "He confessed to me that he only had time today literally just to pick you up. His job is sending him on a work trip, he doesn't know how long he'll be gone for, but he doesn't want to abandon you."

Darkshade looks at me, and I give him a wink. Ian seems sad, but nods. "Ok..." he looks at Darkshade. "Dad, it's ok, I know your job is important. I'll be fine."

He looks at his son, and gives him a big hug. "I'm sorry. I promise things won't be like this forever. You can stay at Mrs. Leave's place for now."

My eyes widen. "I'll check with the principal..." I whip my phone out. I'm NOT getting fired! I mean, I'll help Ian, but I won't have a bad reputation involving children, of all things! As I confer with my boss, I overhear Darkshade and Ian talking. I get the all-clear from the principal and tell Ian to wait at the school entrance for me. I look at Darkshade. "Ok, you know full-well I didn't cover for you just because I feel sorry for you. You're getting help. Go to Starshine Mental Institution, they have a good reputation for helping people not quite insane, normally the last step for someone recovering from difficulties. They'll refuse to take you in, tell them I sent you, I'll get a call and confirm with them. Just remember: you step out of line, they won't hesitate to throw your ass into maximum security. You'll never see your son again. Believe me when I say I don't want that."

Darkshade stands up and nods. "So for what purpose am I there instead of minimum security or something?"

I laugh. "You think ANYONE would trust you in MINIMUM SECURITY? Listen, you'll have therapists to talk to. It's a good place for a person to get their life together. I'll come by once a week, ok?" I smile reassuringly.

Darkshade sighs. "Ok. But if anyone asks, I was captured and deemed insane. Only us and the people at the institute are to know the truth. Keep Ian away from the news, he does like watching it but I can't risk him finding out what his father was... what he is..." he gets in his car and drives off.

I turn... and Ian is right behind me, a look of concern on his face. "I do really like the news..."

I bend down and hug him. "Ian, you weren't supposed to know..."

"I know, but I got bored. I'm sorry, Mrs. Leaves. But dad isn't a bad person, is he?" he stares at me with big eyes.

I look towards the road, and my phone rings. The institute. Dang, Darkshade was fast! But... he kept his promise...

I smile. "Not at all. Come on." I take Ian's hand as I answer the phone.


Thank you for reading! More stories here!


AichSmize t1_iy9wv37 wrote

Good one. I do have one nitpick, though. Principle vs Principal.

The principle of the matter is...

The principal of the school is...


Crystal1501 t1_iy9xnad wrote

I'm British. One word which always confuses me is 'center' and 'centre'. Appreciate the reply though! And I'm glad you liked it!


AichSmize t1_iya7gnx wrote

Hi /u/Crystal1501, unlike principal vs principle, 'center' and 'centre' mean the same. The difference is American vs British spelling, just like recognize vs recognise or labor vs labour.


Crystal1501 t1_iya7ozp wrote

Just saying some words just trip me haha. I mean, we don't have a principal in the UK to my knowledge.


Futatossout t1_iyd7jle wrote

Headmaster or Dean would probably be equivalent.


bloflorn t1_iyanm2r wrote

Close, but technically untrue by my understanding. I believe center is like the center of a circle, meaning the middle, whereas centre is like a building or place, as in a Mental Health Centre. Typical speaking, you're right with the British v. American spellings though when we switch a letter or two around or add/subtract, that's usually all it is. Like with Grey and Gray, or Color and Colour.