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exponentials t1_iybkpvv wrote

My apartment became my safe haven, as I spent my days and nights within the walls, trying to protect myself from the telepaths. But one night, something strange happened. I felt a presence in my room, like a presence that was trying to uncover my secrets. I tried to stay still, but I couldn't help but let out a scream, which echoed throughout my apartment.

The presence began to chuckle, and I slowly backed away. I felt a chill go down my spine as I realized what was happening. A telepath had entered my home, and they were trying to uncover my secrets. I had to find a way to get away from them.

I made a break for it and ran out into the streets. I felt the presence still following me, trying to uncover my secrets. I kept running, but I could feel the presence getting closer and closer. I was almost out of breath when I reached the edge of the city and into the woods.

I thought I had managed to escape, but then I heard their laughter. The telepath was still following me. I was about to give up, when I realized that I had one chance to save myself. I could use my own special power, one that I had hidden all this time.

I closed my eyes, and I unleashed my power. I could feel the telepath being taken away from me. I had managed to save myself, but I knew the consequences of using my power. I would never be able to return to the city, and I would never be able to tell anyone about what had happened that night. I was now an outcast, with a dark secret that I could never share.