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A-purple-bird t1_ixqxe50 wrote

[Start of recording]

"Hey," my roommate started.

"Yeah?" I replied. "Wait, you're off today?"

"Uh, about that, they're closed." he said, with a scared expression on his face.

You see, my roommate, Pedro, works at Waffle House, which only usually closes in emergancies.

There was a long pause, I think we were both thinking of reasons it would be closed.

Finally, Pedro decided to break the silence.

"Maybe it related to the category 1 hurricane about to make landfall?" he said, in a shakey voice.

"The what now?" I questioned.

"Didn't you get the alert on your phone?"

"No, I turned them off. The sound it makes is scary."

"You child." he said, kind of laughing.

"Excuse me? I am an 19 year old adult."

Then, I realized something.

"Wait, W.H. doesn't close unless its a cat 3 or above!" I exclaimed.

Then, Pedro got a message from his manager. 'Run'.

"Uh," Pedro said, he looked incredibly pale.


"My boss just texted me 'Run'." with the most worried expression.

"Oh, its fiiine!" I said. "You live in Florida now! Weather like this is practically the norm!"


"Now help me find the damn remote so I can turn on the Weather Channel."

"Uh, okay." he said, but I could tell he wasn't convinced.

Then, Pedro got another text from his manager that read

> This is catastrophic. This "storm" is going to be the worst one the world has ever seen.

After reading the message to me, and nearly having a panic attck, I found the remote and turned to the Weather Channel on the TV.

"Hey, just because your boss said it would be bad, doesn't mean it will." I said, in an attempt to comfort Pedro.

"But everything hes ever said and all the predictions hes ever made were right!" he cried.

Then, the commercial break ended. It revealed massive damage. Its doing more damage than Hurricane Michael, a category 4 that hit 4 years prior, could ever do! Even storm shelters were taking heavy damage. Oh, and the road was flooded 2.4 feet.

Yet, somehow, it was still a cat 1, because of its short windspeed. Wait, now its a tropical depressed?

That is when I knew, its not the hurricane doing it. It was something else.

Something.. big. Something like tha- OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAMGJP7246gja4m-

[End of recording]