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Spinjitzu-Master t1_ixuuzb1 wrote

Conflict has always been around, ever since the beginning of the universe itself. It's the nature of life. It'll never change. And those two embodied it. Even as children, they argued, even if it was over the smallest things. As they grew, their fights did too. Devastation and destruction followed them both. It only made sense that they would end up in hell.

The hero - Sandra Berks, more commonly known as the ghost - was worshipped all throughout her life. She'd never known anything different, for better or for worse. I never understood it - there didn't seem to be anything too special about her, other than her abilities, invisibility and indestructibility. All she knew how to do was fight. There wasn't an ounce of peace in her body. Always needed someone to chase, something to do, and took it out on criminals.

The villain was hated universally. Charlie Dagger was relentless. He protected anyone, good or bad, which unfortunately brought about his downfall. Everybody knew his name - mostly for protecting the world's worst. He argued that there was good in everybody. It hurt, watching him sell his life away just to see a shred of good in others. Although, he didn't seem to mind. He was infamous, fighting until the bitter end, just for others. And he was shunned for it, locked out of society. Not even his mother cared for him anymore. Yet there wasn't even a slither of hate in his heart. As pure as you can get.

See, I'm a guard. Neither angel or devil - perfectly neutral. Not many see my fate. I watch over individuals and decide where they go. Now, it'd been a few years since I'd heard either of the duo's names. I still remember the contoversy surrounding my decision to send Sandra to hell. Tragically, Charlie passed while fighting, protecting a single mother with two sons.

"Hello, Charlie."

"Who are you? Where am I? How did I get here?" He pressed, looking at me with fear and distress.

"Unfortunately, you passed. A shame, really." I replied. I'd done this thousands of times before.

He looked at a loss for words, "..How'd I die?"

"Doing what you do best. Protecting others." I gave him a look of reassurance, but it was met with sadness and confusion.

"I don't understand. I'm a villain, aren't I?"

"You tell me."

A silence filled the void we were stood in. It wouldn't be long before I'd have to take him to heaven.

"I killed so many people. I murdered Sandra Berks, damnit. Destruction follows me, wherever I go."

"There's a thin line between heaven and hell. You taught me that."

Silence returned.

"I'm going to heaven?"

"When you're ready, yes. We have all the time in the world. This is the afterlife after all. I'll answer any questions you have, should you need me."

"I don't belong there. I'm a murderer, after all."

"Yes you do. It was you who believed there was good in everybody, right?"

"At best I'm a murderer and at worse I'm a war criminal."

"So what? Sandra Berks is in hell. And you did the world a favour. If yoy didn't start that war, the third world war would have started. Now come on, take my hand."

Reluctantly, he did so. A bright, white light blinded us both. The next thing we knew, we were in heaven. The sun shone brightly and perfectly white, pearlescent gates opened.

"Welcome to heaven."

He sighed, then turned to face me. "This isn't some trick, is it?"

"No. Do you need anything before you enter?"

"Can I see Sandra? Apologize maybe?"

"If you must, I suppose. Although she can't go into heaven with you." I clicked my fingers, and Sandra appeared, dressed in an oversized, stained, once white shirt and muddy shorts.

"What the hell? What now?" Agitated, she looked at us both, slightly disgusted.

"Sandra?" Charlie asked tentatively, probably worried for her reaction.

"What do you want?" She snapped, "I was in the middle of something, so you better make this quick, you dick."

"I just wanted to say sorry. I mean, I killed you. And you were admired by just about everyone. And you're in hell. You don't deserve it one bit."

"Was that it, Dagger? I couldn't care less. Actually, Hell's not even that bad." She replied nonchalantly.

"You're a HERO. You should be relaxing, in heaven," He argued, "And don't call me that."

"Again, I really don't mind."

"But you should! You're suffering in hell. Maybe if I didn't kill you, you could have gone to heaven..."

"What don't you get? I don't want to be in heaven!"

Charlie pointed at me, "You! Is there any way we could.. swap places? I should obviously be in hell."

"Not a chance. I'm not letting this devil into heaven. I do respect you, though. Even when you're dead, you want to give up your chance to finally rest to someone else, who doesn't deserve it one bit."