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nicolldysonbeam t1_ixwjjy9 wrote

  1. The nation of [A] maintains a policy of strict neutrality in the conflict between the nations of [B] and [C]. As agents of the nation of [B], your task is to capture and reverse-engineer the wreckage of an advanced alien aircraft that crashed within the borders of nation [A] without causing a diplomatic incident.
  2. While a cure for the zombie plague has been discovered, the apocalypse created a world where nobody currently has the infrastructure and know-how to produce this miracle pharmaceutical at sufficient scale. Help the mayor of Fort [A] to create and maintain a factory capable of producing the cure.
  3. [A], a habitat orbiting Jupiter, has grown tired of synthetic caffeine pills; it wants to be the first space colony to grow coffee outside of Earth's atmosphere. It's your job to figure out how to do that.
  4. After fifteen years, the virtual crime division of the [A] Habitat finally has a promising lead on one of the relays that a rogue AI has been using to launder money for the largest crime syndicate in the asteroid belt. They need your team to track down the AI's core server location and interrogate it for information on high-ranking members of the Cartel.
  5. Your necromancer circle is pretty sure that they've figured out a way to stabilize the soul inside a reanimated body, halting the process which usually leads to degeneration into mindless zombies. If you can prove this to the Academy of Mages, you might be able to end Death itself. Unfortunately, you are a wanted person, and the Academy is about a month's travel away.
  6. Nobody escapes the Northern Mines. Even if you got over the walls, there are hundreds of miles of tundra between you and civilization. You don't care - you and your fellow inmates are going to try anyways.

Apologies if these are pretty sci-fi heavy.